I Walk in Dread 1691

By ks91325
  • Uncle leaves

    Uncle leaves
    Deliverence and Mem are left alone to tend the house while there uncle is far far away on a trip.
  • meeting the coopers

    Mem and Deliverence wake up with a knock on the door. They soon realize they have just met the Coopers.
  • coughing and hacking

    Mem has fallin ill and can not proceed to get out of bed to help around the house untill she gets better.
  • healthy once again

    Mem has gotten better now and is able to help and walk around the house.
  • witches amonst them

    witches amonst them
    The whole town is starting to believe that witches have taken over the town and their loved ones.
  • girls being hurt

    Three little girl say they are in pain for, they are being pinched and hurt by the witch in the town.
  • accusing

    The day has come where the girls must accuse whos been hurting them and who is the witch.
  • uncle?

    Deliverences uncle is still not back yet and neighbors are starting to wonder what really happned to him.
  • A witch amonst the house?

    A witch amonst the house?
    The poeple who stop by to see Mem and give her soup believe a witch has coursed them and brung this illnes amonst the home.
  • blaming

    Goodey Corey a nice lady in the town is accused of being the witch.
  • To be loved

    Mem gets ingadged
  • execusion

    Goodey Corey is killed for being a witch and using the power of witchcraft.
  • moving

    Mem and Deliverences uncle never returns so the girls decide to move, Mem gets married and Deliverence lives with them until one day she finds her true love.
  • jails

    Jails over flowed with hundreds of men and women accused of using witchcraft.
  • death

    19 men and women were hung for using witchcraft.
  • magic or not

    magic or not
    The community soon came to realize they have been accusing people with no evidence though they still belive in witches they realized they have had no physical evidence to prove they are witches.
  • Ann putman

    Ann putman
    Ann Putman an active accuser asked for forgiveness before her death but the commity did not grante her last wish.
  • trials

    Salem witchcraft was considered the best authority on the trials.