The Causes of the 7 year war(1754-1763)
In 1754, the tensions with the French, British and First Nations have been growing for more than 10 years. Both the British and French wanted to take over North America resources for trading purposes. There was a competition for the Ohio Valley. There were battles for Fortress Louisburg. There was battles for Fort Duqeusne. Then, there were Economic Interests between the French and British. -
The Economic Interests
Tea and spices from India, and sugar from the West Indies were shipped and sold to colonists in North America. The European nations wanted gold and silver from their colonies. The French and British also had valued goods like fish,furs,grain,tobacco and timber. Both the British and French used timber to build warships to attack each other and grain to eat. On June 8th 1755, the British were attacking the French ships, the French were carrying 3000 troops and supplies. -
Change in Command for the French
In 1756, Lieutenant-General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm arrived from France. He came to lead the French army. Even though, Montcalm was an experienced military commander, he was only familiar with some European-style tactics. A fighting style named guerilla used by the French and their First Nation allies scared him. -
Change In Command for the British
In the first few years of the war the British weren't that lucky. In 1757, things started to change for them. They came up with a new strategy to take over New France completely. They started to send a lot of money and troops to North America. They began to capture French forts one by one,including Fort Louisburg, Fort Frontenac, and Fort Duquesne. They attacked their way into Quebec City. There was an area where goods were. But it got hard to get there because of it's location. -
Battle for the heart of New France
Summer of 1759,the British attacked Quebec City, they didn't win. British General James Wolfe needed a new plan. Early in the morning on September 13th, 1759 British troops sailed to the St.Lawrence River.They tricked the French guards by speaking French. Before dawn,they were in a cove, which was west of Quebec City. The troops climbed 65m cliff, grabbing roots and being quiet. They reached the top, that forced Montcalm to come out and fight. The British won and Quebec City went to the British. -
Luck vs. good decision-making( Battle on the Plains of Abraham)
Even though General James Wolfe won, he was killed on the battlefield of the Plains of Abraham with General Montcalm. Even after the British won, the 7 years war continued on for another year. -
French Surrender
In 1760, the war was still going, the British moved from Quebec City to Montreal. The French has put strong fights during the winter holding off the British. Both the French and British are waiting to get supplies and more people. The British ship came first, and gained more power. The French didn't have much supplies or people, so they surrendered. But, since the French surrendered, the British gained control over New France. -
The End of the 7 year war
In 1763, the 7 year war ended. The Treaty of Paris was signed to end the war forever between the French and British, and all of their respective friends. But, the French had to give all of their main territory areas in North America to the British.
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