Worm red apple letter 25961660

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  • Period: to

    Timespan of Project

  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    This treaty ended Russia's participation in WWI when it was signed between the Bolsheviks and the Central Powers.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrenders WWI.
  • League of Nations Proposal

    League of Nations Proposal
    The League of Nations proposal by President Wilson is accepted.
  • Treaty of Versialles

    Treaty of Versialles
    Germany signs the Treaty of Versialles.
  • Treaty of St. Germain

    Treaty of St. Germain
    Territory is split up and the Ottoman Empire is divided into multiple countries. DIfferent parts of land once belonging to the Central Powers also go towards surrounding Allied countries.
  • Treaty of Neuilly-Sur-Seine

    Treaty of Neuilly-Sur-Seine
    Bulgaria is forced to give up multiple parts of their land and territory, pay reparations, and had their army reduced by the Allied Powers.
  • First League of Nations Meeting

    First League of Nations Meeting
    This was the day WWI was officially over, as well as the first League of Nations meeting.
  • Treaty of Trianon

    Treaty of Trianon
    Hungary is broken up by Allied Powers.
  • Treaty of Sèvres

    Treaty of Sèvres
    This treaty was intended to be the treaty to make peace between the Allies and the Ottoman Empire, but it was never ratified.
  • Benito Mussolini is Made Italian Premier

    Benito Mussolini is Made Italian Premier
    King Victor Emmanuel declares Mussolini premier in an attempt to head off violent conflict between the Facists and the Communists.
  • French and Belgium troops occupy Ruhr

    French and Belgium troops occupy Ruhr
    French and Belgium troops march into Germany and occupy some of their territory to make sure Germany is successfully paying their reparations, although it was clear that Germany could not.
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    The Beer Hall Putsch
    Adolf Hitler and General Ludenorf lead small band of followers in an attempt of rebellion, and Hitler gets thrown in jail for two years.
  • German Chamber Accepts Dawes Plan

    German Chamber Accepts Dawes Plan
    The Dawes Plan restructures the schedule of Germany reparation payments so as to reduce the amount of annual payments and grants Germany a large loan.
  • Germany Joins the League of Nations

    Germany Joins the League of Nations
    Germany finally joins the League of Nations.
  • Beginning of Great Depression

    Beginning of Great Depression
    It the very beginning of the depressing Great Depression.
  • The Spanish Monarchy is Overthrown and the Republic is born

    The Spanish Monarchy is Overthrown and the Republic is born
    A provisional government is established to take Spain from monarchy to republicanism.
  • Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler is appointed the chancellor of germany, the very beginning of a horrible catatrosphe.
  • Germany leaves the League of Nations

    Germany leaves the League of Nations
    Germany leaves the League of Nations.
  • Hitler remilitarizes the Rhineland

    Hitler remilitarizes the Rhineland
    Hitler felt that he could remilitarize as the Stresa Front had collapsed and the internationmal community was precoccupied with Abysinnia crisis.
  • The Munich Agreement is Signed

    The Munich Agreement is Signed
    A deal was reached on 29 September, and at about 1:30am on 30 September 1938, Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Benito Mussolini and Édouard Daladier signed the Munich Agreement.