Falling Action
When Julie is at her home and Bud is at the door. he wants to talk to Julie. She closes the door, he asks her to get in his car she refuses then he mentions that she has never called him Collie. and she asks why and he says his little brother called him that.then she says she had to go because of her mom is sick. than he says his is to and that she is in las lunas. and how she sent flowers to the boy she hit. His half brother.Then Julie awakes to bud on the ground and the police saying Helen -
After their picnic, Barry drives Julie, Ray, and Helen back home on the highway. They accidently hit a little boy on a bicycle
and then leave the site of the crime making a pact not to tell a living soul what happened. -
Julie gets a acception letter to Smith, after receiving the letter Julies and her mom talk about last year. Julies, Mom says how she has changed after last summer, and how she hadn't focused on her studies this year more than usual it was unlike her. Last year before the "accident" she was a bubbly peppy chearleader.but now you can see in her face something changed.After dinner Julie's mother says she has another letter without a return adress all it says is "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER" -
Julies old boyfriend comes to town and then he visits Julie right before her date Bud comes over. Before her date Ray kisses Julie while they are talking about the relationship they had. Julie wants to not date Ray anymore because she wants to forget about the accident and leave everything, just like what Ray did when he went to California -
Barry goes home to the frat house he livesin and when he gets out of the shower his girlfriend Helen called him multiple times she called one more time he talked to her. He was planning on leaving to her house and breaking up with her. He left while fireworks were going on. They were so loud no one could hear anything as he got to his car a gun went off and he was shot -
Rising Action
While Helen is doing the newscast weather she learns of what happened to her long time boyfriend Barry Cox. She went into the lounge area and bawled and looked a mess. Collie, the man Helen met at the pool came to the news station to pick up Helen.When she got to the hosptal the Mother, Mrs. Cox, wouldn't let her see Barry. Mrs. Cox didn't have a liking to Helen or that she brought a man that seemed like a boyfriend. -
Rising Action
After what happened to Helen, Ray and Julie studied the clipping and did research on where the boy lived and he had a family with the last name Gregg.Julie and Ray Decided to visit them. when they went up to the door they rang the bell , no answer. then they noticed the door was open. They walked in and a women named Megan Gregg was in the house, she said she was taking out her washer was the reason she had the door wide open. Megan told Julie her mother is ill and in Las Lunas. -
Helen is in her apartment person came behind her was Collie,They talked then He said that a joke that helen said wasn't funny about a date he had that she said she isnt going to kill her. than he said its not funny if you run over a child with a car. Then he said he investigated on how it happened and told her he was the one who gave the notes and shot Barry. Helens phone rang she grabbed it and locked a door She called 911 as Collie un latched the door then Helen Jumped out the window. -
Helen meets Collie
Helen finds a newspaper clipping taped to her door of her apartment. it is a picture of the little boy tey hit and a description of the accident -
Direct Chacterzation
"And I didn't mean to take wind criticizing. I know how hard you've been working,and I've just been afraid you were overdoing it. I'm Glad that now you can relax and enjoy your summer." This shows that Julie is hard working -
Direct Characterazation
"But Barry and I- i'm not just a school friend. I'm more.A lot more."(duncan 70) this shows Helen beleives she is more -
Indirect Charecterazation
"I am Channel Five's Future Star!" This shows how Helen is a little bit self absorbed according to this quote because she says this multipler times in the book