I Born

  • Mi Born

    Mi Born
    This was the best gift for my parents wedding anniversary
  • My first journey

    My first journey
    We went to bring my dad from Rosario
  • My bautizo

    My bautizo
  • 1 year

    1 year
  • Conejito Saltarin

    Conejito Saltarin
    Here I was in the "conejito saltarin" my nursery school
  • Kindergarten

    This was my first year on kindergarten, this photo was taken by the teacher
  • Family evening

    Family evening
    This day I went with mi cousins, uncle and grandpa tu fly a kite.
  • Mi Little Brother

    Mi Little Brother
    This is my little brother he was born the 12th December of 2013, his name is Marco Alejandro
  • I finish primary school

    I finish primary school
    This was a presentation I did with all my classmates
  • High school

    High school
    One of our firsts days of high school
  • Me nowdays

    This is mi in the present