I and II Industrial Revolution

  • T. newcomen's steam engine

    T. newcomen's steam engine
    This machine was able to pump water and generate power from the atmosferic pressure in the air.
  • John Kay's flying shuttle

    John Kay's flying shuttle
    Like other machines, it accelerated weaving, by allowing the shuttle carrying the weft to be passed through the warp threads faster and over a greater width of cloth.
  • James hargreave spinning jenny

    James hargreave spinning jenny
    This device was made to reduce the amount of work needed to produce a special amount of cloth.
  • Stephensons puffing devil

    Stephensons puffing devil
    It was the first locomotive able to function properly.
  • Richard Arkwright's water mill

    Richard Arkwright's water mill
    This machine was made to be able to spin big quantities of cotton yarn which was later used to make clothes, etc.
  • James Watt's steam engine

    James Watt's steam engine
    James watt invented a new machine called the Steam engine, which made one wheel always be boiling to be able to recieve steam from the other boiler. It was the first steam machine.
  • Samuel Crompton's spinning mill

    Samuel Crompton's spinning mill
    It revolutionised textile production by increasing the amount of cotton that could be spun at any one time using the spinning mill.
  • Edward Cartwright's power loom

    Edward Cartwright's power loom
    The power loom was a machine that used water to speed up the process of weaving.
  • Luddites opposed machine industrial industry

    Luddites opposed machine industrial industry
    Luddites disagreed of the use of automated machines/equipment, he started to threaten the jobs and lives of skilled workers as this technology allowed them to be replaced by cheaper and less skilled workers.
  • First plastics

    First plastics
    In 1856, the first plastic made was granted to Alexander Parkes for his material called parkesine, the first man made plastic in the world.
  • Transcontinental railroad

    Transcontinental railroad
    The first transcontinental railroad was made in America and it was a huge advance in the world and in the revolutions.
  • Edisons light bulb

    Edisons light bulb
    Thomas eddison invented the first light bulb.
  • The first skyscraper in chicago

    The first skyscraper in chicago
    This is the first skyscraper made and the oldest one that exists nowadays, it's made of structural steel.
  • First moving picture

    First moving picture
    The first motion picture ever shot was Roundhay Garden Scene.
  • Inventor of the radio

    Inventor of the radio
    Gugliemo Marconi made the worlds first telegraph.
  • Wright brothers first flight

    Wright brothers first flight
    They made the first controlled flight containing a real engine suitable of flying.
  • Henry Ford's T model

    The vehicle was one of the first mass production vehicles, allowing Ford to achieve his aim of manufacturing the universal car.
  • Beginning of the WW1

    Beginning of the WW1
    when a man from Bosnia named Gavrilo Princip assasinated and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in order to get the Austro-Hungarian throne. Austria-Hungary held Serbia responsible for their actions and war was declared on the 28th of july 1914.