
Viva La Hannah

  • I was born

    I was born
    Hannah was born on August 13, in the year of 2001. Did she know what would occur in the years that would follow? She did not. She was only aware of being cold and. Many years later, she is still very aware that she is cold.
  • The attack on the World Trade Center

    The attack on the World Trade Center
    On September 1st 2001, two planes were hijacked and flown into the twin towers in New York City. Another plane crashed into the Pentagon, and a final fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Since this horrific event, a war against terrorism began, airport security increased dramatically, as well as other effects.
  • The Iraq war begins

    The Iraq war begins
    The Iraq war was an armed conflict to end the rule of Saddam Hussein. A coalition of the United States and several other countries stormed the country and captured Hussein less then a month later. Troops stayed in Iraq to attempt to handle the issues Hussein had caused, and all troops were withdrawn from the country in 2011.
  • The Brotato is Born

    The Brotato is Born
    Hannah was not aware of what a brother was at the time of his birth. Perhaps if she had been asked she would have wondered if it was some sort of food. Or perhaps she would have answered correctly. Either way there is a brother making his cameo appearance as a squirtle. And Hannah now knows that a brother is not something you eat.
  • Meeting Sarah

    Meeting Sarah
    As a small child I played with this girl. Then in kindergarten she dumped me because I wasn't wearing a orange shirt. Kindergarten aged children are not known to be kind. Anyways, I made a new friend and looking back, I realized how much her getting rid of me impacted my life. I probably would have been a very different person if she had decided to remain as my friend, and many years later I would like to thank her for telling me I couldn't play with her.
  • The Great Recession

    The Great Recession
    The Great Recession was a period between the late 2000's and the early 2010's of sharp economic decline that resulted largely because of the sudden drop in housing prices. This resulted in mass job loss and a shortage of jobs to be had. Levels of unemployment skyrocketed and the Great Recession was declared to be the worst recession of economic activity since the Great Depression of the 1930's
  • President Obama is elected

    President Obama is elected
    On November eight 2008, Democrat Barack Obama of Illinois was elected as the 44th president of the United States. He was the first African American President of the United States. He was also elected for a second term instead of Mitt Romney.
  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

    Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more popularly known as Obama care, was a federal statue signed by President Obama on March 23, 2010. The act was put into place to create more affordable health care, lower the rate on people without health insurance, and to transform hospitals and physicians to have better health outcomes.
  • Edward Snowden

    Edward Snowden
    Edward Snowden was a CIA employee. On May 20 of 2013, Snowden fled to Hong Kong after revealing thousands of classified NSA files to journalists. The hack came to public attention when stories based off of the material he revealed was published.The Department of Justice charged Snowden with two counts of violation of the Espionage Act of 1917. Russia granted Snowden a one year asylum and as of 2015 he is still there.
  • Hannah was inspirational

    Hannah was inspirational
    Hannah was quite pleased because she could do a few things on the day before she left elementary school forever. She could wear a cool purple dress that was quite tacky in hindsight. But she could do a speech in front of a bunch of people and be even cooler then the cool kids. It was fun and thus Hannah found herself on a path of writing.
  • Starting Odyssey of the Mind

    Starting Odyssey of the Mind
    The first thing Hannah had to do for this thinking outside the box group was create new crayon names. After names such as barking up the wrong tree brown, sirius black, and others came to light, she entered the world of Odyssey of the Mind and learned things such as using paint, power tools, idioms and a few things about teamwork and people too.
  • The Government shut down

    The Government shut down
    On October 1 of 2013, the government entered a shut down that lasted just over two weeks because no decision could be made on legislation appropriating funds. About 800,000 employees were temporarily laid off due to this shut down and another 1.3 million were to go to work without knowing when they would be paid for their time. According to ABC news, almost all Americans did not approve of the shutdown and felt it harmed the United States global image.
  • The FDA begins regulating electronic cigarettes

    The FDA begins regulating electronic cigarettes
    The Food and Drug Administration announced it's intention to begin regulating electronic cigarettes, also known as vaping. Electronic Cigarettes or E-Cigarettes have been cited to be better then normal cigarettes, however very little is known about their contents. There have been legal cases in which people refused to stop using an e cigarette or vapor device in a public place because they did not count it as smoking, and there has been some confusion on it's legality in district to state courts
  • The Interview

    The Interview
    The Interview was a political satire about journalists that set up an interview with the ruler of North Korea and are recruited by the CIA to assassinate him. North Korea threatened to take action against the United States if the film was released, delaying the films release. Eventually Sony released the film online and in select cinemas.
  • The Bathroom Bill

    The Bathroom Bill
    A bathroom bill is a legislation that allows for transgender individuals to use the bathroom of their preferred gender identity, mostly in schools. The bill has been proposed in a few states, but what caused the bill to earn national attention was when the department store Target instituted the bill in their stores. North Carolina published a bill restricting these bills but the U.S Department of Justice sued those responsible for this act.
  • World Finals of OM

    World Finals of OM
    After a disappointing first year of OM, the CPE team made it to the state wide competition and progressed to the world finals at michigan state university. Five days of pins, people, moldy basements, and lots of walking later, the team returned home. Hannah lacked a voice, but gained memories.
  • The FBI and Apple Dispute

    The FBI and Apple Dispute
    Following the shooting in San Bernardo CA, a federal judge asked apple to aid the FBI in unlocking the iphone used by the shooter. This would require a system that would disable the system that deletes all information on the phone after ten attempts at entering the password. Chief Executive of Apple refused, saying that it would be a master tool with the power to open millions of phones. The hearing on the dispute was quickly dropped soon after as the FBI found a third part to unlock the phone.
  • Volkswagen Recall

    Volkswagen Recall
    The Obama Administration told Volkswagen it needed to recall about 500,000 cars from the United States. The company was accused of adding software to their cars that allowed for 40 times as many emissions then allowed by the Clean Air Act.
  • Kim Davis

    Kim Davis
    Kim Davis, a county clerk in the state of Kentucky came to the attention of the public and the federal government when she refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples, citing "God's will" as her excuse. Multiple couples sued and won a lawsuit against Davis and the Supreme Court ordered her to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. She continued to ignore the court order and was imprisoned for contempt of court.
  • Long Live the Velociraptor.

    Long Live the Velociraptor.
    Hannah didn't expect to get a lizard, but she did. She didn't expect him to shed and eat his own skin, but he did. She also didn't expect to love him with all her heart, but she still does.
  • The Poetry Slam

    The Poetry Slam
    Hannah did the poetry slam because her friend said "hannah do the poetry slam with me" and she said ok. The idea for her poem popped into her brain late at night, and she wrote it late the next night. She read it to her friend to get her opinion and her friend cried. And she made multiple others cry from the time the poem was written to her presentation. It made her feel bad but it meant the poem worked. She scored second place in the poetry slam, and was very happy.
  • Same sex marriage is legal in all fifty states

    Same sex marriage is legal in all fifty states
    On June 26, 2016, the Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage is now legal in all fifty states.
  • The Woods

    The Woods
    Hannah spent a few days deep in the adirondacks over the summer, where electronics magically die and the most modern thing around is gas lights. She did lots of woods activities, and had the time to feel very small under the light of a sky without light pollution.
  • Hannah left one school and entered.... is that a ring of fire?

    Hannah left one school and entered.... is that a ring of fire?
    Hannah wore a superman sweatshirt every day on her adventures to this pit of fire, also known as her seventh grade year at Abington Junior High School. It was ok. The squid made friends such as a Hallie. Over all the first year swimming within the halls of the junior high wasn't terrible, but looking back she realizes she was a very small squid at the time, and she's seen how much she's grown.
  • No child Left Behind

    No child Left Behind
    The no child left behind act was signed into law on January eight 2002 by George W. Bush. The law was meant to close the student achievement gap and thus leave no child behind. It also imposed high standards schools had to meet in order to recieve funding. However after being highly criticized the act was replaced in 2015