Hyperdoc Project

  • Attempted Alliance

    United States,, Great Britain, France and Italy tried to form an alliance to prevent another world war. (1920)
  • 1920's/Prohibition

    1. Women's Suffrage (1920)
  • Ban of Alcohol

    1. Nationwide ban of the import and sale of alcoholic beverages (1920-1923)
  • Great Kanto Earthquake

    1. Great Kanto Earthquake (1923)
  • Hitler Appointed Germany's Chancellor

    1. Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany (1933)
  • Communists Expelled by Stalin

    1. 1,140,000 communist party members are expelled by Stalin (1933-1934)
  • Enabling Act

    1. The German Reichstag passes the enabling act (1933)
  • Leon Blum

    1. Leon Blum's popular front government comes to power in France ( 1936-1937)

  • More Land

    More submarginal lands were put into production (1920's)
  • Market Crash

    Great Depression starts and markets crash. (1929)
  • Dust Bowl Starts

    The dust bowl begins (1931)
  • Federal Aid

    Federal Aid (1932)
  • Dust bowl was named

    The term "Dust bowl" was made. (1935)
  • Rural Families, Federal Relief

    21% of all rural Families in the Great Plains were receiving federal emergency relief. (1937
  • End of the Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl ends (1942)
  • Severe Drought

    Another severe Drought spread across the US but the impact were lessened due to lessons learned from the dust bowl. (1950)
  • SPACER (1960's)

  • Public Protests

    1. The Civil Rights Movement
    2. The Students Movement
    3. The Anti-Vietnam War Movement
    4. The Woman's Movement
    5. The Gay Rights Movement
    6. The Environmental Movement