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HW #1 Policing Timeline
Unification and Properization of The Police
1850-1890s As cities and populations grew, there was a need for a more uniform and proper police force. Police departments starting popping up in major cities during this time. Police Jurisdiction and abilities were limited so other detective agencies were still very common in the west. Overall the police had close ties to politics making corruption among them common during this era. -
The Reform Era
1900-1920 This is when efforts started to separate politics from policing. Efforts were made to reduce fraud, corruption, and abuse in policing positions. Also this era took a step away from politicians assigning police officers. Also this era started having criminology classes in colleges and classes for existing police. Advancements in dispatching due to radios. -
Prohibition Enforcements
1920-1935 When the prohibition and temperance acts began, citizens began smuggling and setting up illegal speakeasies. Police and other government agencies like the FBI began combatting smugglers and gangsters that were popular in this era. Cited:
FBI. (2016, May 3). The FBI and the American Gangster, 1924-1938. FBI. https://www.fbi.gov/history/brief-history/the-fbi-and-the-american-gangster#:~:text=In%20the%20summer%20of%201924,to%20criminals%20and%20crime%20evidence. -
War Era
1935-1955 During World War 2 many men went to join the military and woman now had more of an opportunity to join the police. After the war new fears arose like communism and other internal threats. With the invention of the TV NYPD were able to broadcast suspects live. -
Militaristic and Civil Unrest
In this era due to civil unrest within the country and fear of communism the police turned more militaristic sometimes using the army at riots. There were rising crime rates and frequent protests. Police created SWAT teams for dangerous situations. They used more military equipment to deal with terrorism and the rising crime.
(National Guard Soldier 1968 Vietnam Protest) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrjUVEBgXU8 (Creation of Swat) https://www.theiacp.org/sites/default/files/all/s/SWATPaper.pdf -
Innovation Era
1970-1980 During this era new ways of policing emerged. Team policing reformed how police could operate with more limited resources. Also many organizations were founded. -
Community Policing Era
1980-2000 Community policing was invented and police tried to partner up with their communities more. This also introduced Evidenced based policing (EBP). Community Policing History. Bay City, MI. (n.d.). https://www.baycitymi.gov/277/Community-Policing-History -
Post 9/11 Counterterrorism Era
With internal tourism like 9/11 and Timothy McVeigh's bombing on a federal building in Oklahoma. New strategies more focused around homeland security emerged. POST 9-11 POLICING THE CRIME CONTROL – HOMELAND SECURITY PARADIGM TAKING COMMAND OF NEW REALITIES. OJP. (2005, September). https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/bja/248559.pdf -
The Future of Policing
2025+ At the moment 68% of the police force is dissatisfied with their technology and equipment. Especially when talking about online policing and even equipment areas. This makes me believe AI could be used to help detect cyber threats and predict before they happen. Rabihah Butler. (2023, October 24). The future of law enforcement rests in its technology investment. Thomson Reuters Institute. https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en-us/posts/government/future-of-law-enforcement-technology/ -
Future of Policing (part 3)
My final list of reasons why I think the police should increase internet security by advancing their online technology/security:
-Identity Theft
-Dark Web Sales
-Online Predators
-Fabricated digital evidence Rabihah Butler. (2023a, October 24). The future of law enforcement rests in its technology investment. Thomson Reuters Institute. https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en-us/posts/government/future-of-law-enforcement-technology/ -
The Future of Policing (part 2)
One big problem is digital fabricated evidence, this evidence now may be mistaken as reel, whether it be photos/videos/messages. As scams and fakes are only becoming more common I think their may have to be more enforced laws online. At the moment the police budget is falling behind. And online crimes are only increasing in number. By perhaps tracking commonalities between known online criminals and potential ones.