
  • Freedom?

    The Hungarian Parliament came out with a new "democracy package" that gave many more freedoms to the people, along with following the political liberalization trends of the '80s. I believe the Hungarian people were self-determined to see a change in their country, and this is why the changes made to the government reflected the previous reform movements that were struck down years before.
  • End of Communist Rule

    As the Cold War was ending, so was the strength and influence of the Soviet Union. This is a key factor in the democratization of the nation-state of Hungary. It was the beginning of a new form of government that had been fighting for change since the '50s and '60s. This allowed for one of the largest independence movements in Hungary.
  • Anti Warsaw Pact

    The people of Hungary were not in favor of the Warsaw Pact, making them a satellite of the Soviet Union. This caused them to allow for the movement of East Germans, going to the West. This was to show how they were against communism and wanted to be independent of communist rule.
  • A Democratic Election

    I believe the first real sign he Hungary was truly becoming Democratic was the free parliamentary election that occurred, and most of the vote was cast for Democratic groups.
  • NO More Soviets

    This date marks the day when the last Soviets left Hungary. I believe the officials of Hungary finally felt that they had sovereignty of their country, after years of Soviet control.
  • Former Communists join NATO

    Hungary joins NATO, a group that is against communism
  • And the European Union as well

    Hungary Joins the European Union. My source says this strengthened their ties with democratic nations.