Hungary 1848-49

By denesx
  • The last feudal diet

    -Opposition:leaders were Kossuth(Lower House) and Batthíányi(Upper House)
    -Entailment was abolished
  • revolution in Europe

    Naples, Palermo, Paris, Rome, Piedmont and Vienna, and it was followed by those in Berlin, Milan, Venice, Prague and Bucharest.
  • Kossuth's speech

  • Revolutinon in Vienna

    Revolution broke out in Vienna
  • Kossuth's proposal

    At the news of the Viennese revolution the Upper House approved of Kossuth’s proposal.
  • 15 March in Pest Buda

    The "young men of March" started their march from the Pilvax Kávéház.After they went Landerer's press office to print the Twelve Points and the Nemzeti Dal.
  • New government

    Count Lajos Batthyány - Prime Minister
    Deák Ferenc - Minister of Justice
    Kossuth Lajos - Minister of Finance
    Eötvös József - Minister of Education
    Szemere Bertalan - Interior Minister
    Klauzál Gábor - Minister of Agriculture and Industry
    Széchenyi István - Minister of Transportation
    Mészáros Lázár - Minister of Defense
    Eszterházy Pál - Minister to the Office of the King
  • April Laws

    -Hungary became a hereditary constitutional monarchy.
    -A representative parliament was born.
    -The constitution liberated all serfs from personal bondage and manorial obligations.
    -Entailment and tax privileges were abolished.
    -The reunion of Hungary and Transylvania was proclaimed.
    - Citizens became equal before the law
  • Period: to

    Fight with the Serbian rioters

  • First representative elections

    -About three-quarters of the MPs were noblemen
    -the MPs voted for 40 million forints of credit and 200,000 military recruits.
  • Jellasich

    Jellasich crossed the Dráva
  • Ferenc Lamberg

    Ferenc Lamberg was butchered on Pest.
  • Battle of Pákozd

    János Móga, the commander of the Hungarian troops, defeated Jellasich at Pákozd. Perczel and Görgey defeated Jellasich's troops at Ozora.
  • Battyhány

    The court accepted the resignation of Batthyány.Jellasich was appointed the royal commissioner.
  • Viennese revolution

    Revolution broke out in Vienna.
  • Battle of Schwechat

    The Hungarian army was easily put to flight by the concentrated Austrian troops at the Battle of Schwechat
  • Organizing the defense

    Kossuth appointed Görgey Artúr to the commander-in-chief of the Hungarian army.
  • Windischgratz

    Under the leadership of Windischgrätz 44000 soldiers entered Hungary toward its capital.
  • Battle of Mór

    Hungarian force was badly beaten just outside Pest at the Battle of Mór. Kossuth ordered the evacuation of the capital.
  • Battle of Kápolna

    The Battle of Kápolna brought victory for Windischgraetz over Dembinski, the new commander of Hungarian troops.
  • The octroyed constitution of Olmütz

    The main idea was to establish a centralized monarchy where the emperor would not be responsible to anybody.
  • Battle of Hatvan

    It was the start of the spring campaign.
  • Period: to


    Tápióbicske , Isaszeg and Vác
  • The declaration of Independence

    On the 14th April 1849 the parliament proclaimed the dethronement of the Habsburg dynasty and the Declaration of Independence.
  • Russian

    According to the agreement of the conservative powers of the Holy Alliance on 9th May 1849 the Russian czar promised help to Francis Joseph and by the middle of June a 200,000 strong Russian army was sent to Hungary.
  • New minority law

    It gave self-government to the minorities and made the language of the local majority the official language, but it was too late.
  • Battle of Világos

    Görgey surrendered unconditionally to the Russians at Világos.
  • Bloody revenge

    The former Prime Minister, Batthyány was executed in Pest and 13 generals were executed in Arad becoming the martyrs of the Hungarian independence. Görgey and Kossuth left the country and Kossuth was followed by many emigrants who went mainly to Turkey.