Humanities Unit 1 Project

  • First Settlement

    The first English settlement, Jamestown, was established by the London Company. This was significant because it opened up the rest of the land and started to draw more people towards the americas
  • First representative assembly

    The House of Burgesses meets for the first time in Virginia. Also the the first slaves were brought over. Gave the very basis of freedom of assembly and a sort of congress.
  • The Plymouth Colony

    The pilgrims from the second mayflower land and make a colony in Massachusetts and. They sign the mayflower compact which in turn help them create multiple other important document.
  • The Witchcraft Trials

    This book showed the public how the government targeted and hunted people who stood out
  • Period: to

    French and Indian war

    The French and British fight over control of North America, in the end the British win over the French and the British take over Canada and kicked out the French. This was important because it made the British the biggest power in the Americas pre revolution.
  • Boston Massacre

    British troop fired into a mob of colonist, killing 5. Which was huge turning point for a lot colonist. Started to turn people towards the whole "britian is evil and just want to use us" thought.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Group of colonist dress as Indians, go on to ships containing tea bags. They then throw the tea bag in to the ocean as a protest to tea taxes. This was one of the first of many acts of rebellion that the colonist did pre revolution.
  • First Continental Congress

    56 delegates meet in Philadelphia, one from each colony with the exception of Georgia. Gave the idea of a nation united and a congress.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The American Revolution was fought between the British and the Colonies. The British had a fully trained army while the Colonies just had some locals called minute men. At the end of the war they sign another Treaty of Paris
  • Declaration of Independence

    Congress officially adopts the Declaration of Independence in their government. This gives the basic ideals of freedom of and our current government.
  • First President of the US

    George Washington was unanimously elected president of US by and the us constitution went into effect. As the first president, George Washington, set a lot of expectations and showed how to limit the following presidents.
  • Constitutional Convention

    12 delegates of the 13 colonies meet to create the US constitution. This is one of the first legal documents the us government created after the revolution.
  • First meeting of supreme court

    The US Supreme Court meets for the first time with 1 chief judge and 5 justices. This was the first time the legal system was used and it gave an idea how to make it work efficiently.
  • Invention of cotton gin

    Eli Whiten invented the cotton gin to help increase the production of cotton in the US. This was key to the economy of the early United Colonies.