Worldview Timeline

  • 510 BCE

    Classical Greek/Rome Period

    Classical Greek/Rome Period
    For the Classical Greek Worldview, I picked Plato. Plato represents this worldview the best because he impacted almost all of that time period, and was one of the first of philosophers from that time. This time period was heavy on philosophy and thinking on a deeper level of reality.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 300 BCE

    Classical Greek Time Line

  • 1400

    Renaissance Period

    Renaissance Period
    For the Renaissance, I picked the painting "The School of Athens" because during the Renaissance, they were starting to learn more about Classical Greece. During this time, they had also developed new styles, beliefs, and art. This is why they called it Renaissance, which means "rebirth".
  • Period: 1400 to

    Renaissance Time line

  • Enlightenment Period

    Enlightenment Period
    I chose this symbol, it's the philosophy symbol, and the reason I picked it is that the enlightenment was based around using logic and reason instead of superstition, and science over blindly believing something. This worldview introduced more philosophy, reasoning and science to determine things. and overall a less crowded way of thinking.
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Time Line

  • Romantic Period

    Romantic Period
    For the Romantic Period, I chose the "Liberty leading the people" as my Painting, as this represents the people revolting, taking up arms to fight against the government for their freedom. The Romantic Period was all about people finding themselves, fighting for freedom, and coming to their senses.
  • Period: to

    Romantic Time line

  • Victorian Period

    Victorian Period
    For the Victorian Period picture, I decided to put a painting of Queen Victoria herself. The Victorian Period was all about the new founding of industrialism, and inventions using these discoveries.
  • Period: to

    Victorian Time Line

  • Modern Period

    Modern Period
    I couldn't find an exact picture for the Modernism Period, but during this period people were changing a lot socially, there was more industrialization, and science was also growing along with these things.
  • Period: to

    Modern Time Line

  • Postmodernism Period

    Postmodernism Period
    The Postmodernism Period when people started to go off of the linear path of art and design, and made for more abstract and unique art.
  • Period: to

    Postmodernism Time Line