Lifetime Of Lucy
Austropithecus afarensis lived in Africa 4 million b.c.e and was a gatherer, and a biped. -
Lifetime Of Handy Man
Homo Habilis lived in 2 million b.c.e and was a gatherer, a biped and was the first to make tools. -
Lifetime Of Upright Man
Homo erectus lived in 1.8 million b.c.e, they were gatherers bipeds,and had fire -
Lifetime Of Neanderthals
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis lived in 500,000 b.c,.e, was a biped, a gatherer, had a huge brain compared to others, had fire, and had a sense of commmunity. -
Lifetime Of Modern Humans
Homo sapiens sapiens live in modern day, they are gatherers, bipeds, have very large brains, have very advanced tools, they have communities, they have farming, religion, agriclture, and art. -
Rise of the KIngdom of Sumer
2900 BCE Sumer had the 7 characteristics of a civilization. They had a monarchy as government.Their social structure went by this order: king, preists, landowners, gov't officials, scribes, tax collectors, farmers, fisherman, merchants, artisans, and slaves.They believed in polytheism and had ziggurats (religious temples). They used cunieform (the first form of writing) to write also. They had advanced technology, such as the wheel and arch. The had a stable food supply. They also had a culture. -
The Epic of Gilgamesh
7th cent BCE royal library.Gilgamesh is an unjust ruler.Enkidu is created to fix the problem,but they become best friends.Ishtar proposes to Gilgamesh,but he declines,and she throws a fit.She then unleashed the bull of heaven,which after lots of destruction,it is killed by Gilgamesh and Enkidu.They go on a seven day adventure,Enkidu enterprets Gilgamesh's dreams.They kill Humbaba at the end of the journey.Enkidu dies and Gilgamesh mourns him,he wants eternal life,so he goes to the garden of gods -
1900 BCE. Abraham was the founder of monotheism (Jewish/Christian/Muslim). He was one of the patriarchs, the others were his son Isacc, and his grandson Jacob. He had started it all. -
Hammurabi's Code
1792-1750 BCE. Hammurabi's Code is a collection of laws for family, property, and personal injury inquires. Unlike most of the laws of that time, it had specific explainations and punishments. Most of the punishments included paying money, getting killed, and getting your hands chopped off. They were very violent in our minds, but to the people who lived by them, they are normal. -
Joseph goes to Egypt and the Israelites follow
1700-1280 BCE. Joseph was Jacob's favorite son. His brothers did not like him, so they sold him to slavery, which he was then transported to Egypt. He was asked to interpret the Pharoah's dreams, and he did so wonderfully that he was appointed to prime minister. He forgave his family and they all came to stay with him. That is how the Israelites came to abide in Egypt. -
Moses, the Exodus from Egypt, and the Ten Commandments
1280-1240 BCE
Moses was one of the surviving Jewish babies of the time, he was raised by the Pharoah's daughter. Moses told the Pharoah to let go of his people, and he refused. 9 plagues then befalled the Egyptians. The Exodus is when the Jews were let go and then weren't, which by then they were running from the Egyptians. They then spread out all over the world. -
The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings
Approx the middle of the century to the miidle of the 11th century. There were these Judges, only one was a woman, her name was Deborah. She would just sit around and, listen, and tell her verdict on problems. Those problems included murder, theft, and the little things. Ruth lived in The Time Before Kings. the Time Before Kings was during and after the Exodus. there was no king, there was just a ruler, ephasis on the name of the time period. -
The Reign of David
1013-973 BCE. David was the challenger of Galliath. He was a small sheperd at the time, and he threw a stone at the famed warrior, and he dropped dead. He was so famed that the King got jealous. A death warrant was put out for him, so he had to go into hiding. But after the King died (Sal), David was made King. He united the tribes and was a very famed King. -
875-853 BCE. Elijah was a very famous prophet. He was quite dedicated to his job. He went around and made miracles. He went to this kingdom that did not believe in his God, so he wanted to make them believe. He tried his hardest, he even made God start a fire on drenched wood, and it did happen but the King still wasn't convinced. So he stayed for the rest of his life trying to convince them of his faith. -
Siege of Lachish
701 BCE.At the time of the siege,it was a heavily fortified hill town,which had managed to stay independent of the Assyrians.Lachish stood at a vital strategic point on the key trade routes linking Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean and to the great wealth of Egypt.But around 700 BC,the king of Judah, Hezekiah,rebelled against the Assyrians.Sennacherib moved the Assyrian imperial army,fought a brilliant campaign, seized the city of Lachish. -
Siege of Jerusalem
587 BCE. The city was sieged by the Babylonians. But instead of staying and fighting for their home, they ran away. they were ruled by the Babylonians from 605-562 BCE. When the king and his men left they were again stripped of their gold and wealth in the city. The Temple was also destroyed and later again it was destroyed after being rebuilt. -
Indus Valley Civilizations
2000 BCE
Their many practices influenced Hinduism in many ways. Cleanliness or ritual bathing was very important. The Mohenjo-Daro contained a huge water tank for public bathing (1922). Harappa had an adundance of terra cotta figurines unearthed in the Indus Valley.The most popular was of pregnant women, fertility goddesses (1921). Fertility was big in the religion. The Indus were an agricultural people, growing crops and raising animals. Water still remains sacred to Hindus. -
The Aryan Invasion and The Vedas
1700 BCE
The Aryan's were a weaponry people. They only believed in male gods.They conquered everyone they met, including the Indus people. The Vedas brought the four scriptures. Though for centuries they orally said and memorized things. -
The Ascetics and the Upanishads
500-700 BCE
An ascetic was a person dedicated to a life of spiritual austerity and self-discipline. They often chose to be hermits to dedicate themselves to meditation. The Upanishads wereactually stories made up by the Ascetics. They believed in universal souls, that after meditationa dn self sacrafice, you found out you were not an individual, but a small part to a large whole.