6000 BCE
Irrigation began some time in Egypt and Mesopotamia, when they began using flooding water from Nile River to grow crops. The flood waters occurred from July to December and was diverted to the fields for 40 to 60 days. -
3500 BCE
The wheel made it easier for travel by being used on carriages and carts. The invention also helped industrialization take place by helping to build machines. -
1050 BCE
The compass was invented by Chinese and was created for spiritual and navigational purposes. In the first compasses lodestones were used because they are naturally magnetized iron ore. -
200 BCE
Wind Power
Windmills in China pumped water, while vertical axis windmills woven with red sails were grinding grain in Persia and the Middle East. The Dutch also adapted the windmill and refined it for draining lakes and marshes in Rhine River Delta. -
Steam Engine
Steam engine was patented by James Watt and was actually an improved version of Thomas Savery's earlier invention. The invention lead improvement in agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing industries by making raw material more accessible. -
During this time, it was one of the first innovations to help transport and aid in mass production of goods. It could also carry a large number of passengers with ease and comfort. -
The first modern telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. This invention satisfied the human desire to communicate far and wide. -
The lightbulb was invented by Thomas Edison and the development of CFLs. It led to breakthroughs with power plants, electric transmission lines, and home appliances. -
They were discovered by physicist Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen. During the Balkan War, it was used to find bullets and broken bones. -
The airplane was invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright. It lead to innovations in modern aeronautical engineering and people could fly over thousands of miles in less time.