First Steamboat
Robert Fulton's invention of the Clermont steamboat led to the industrialization and expansion of navies across the world and made it easier for transport. Because of this more towns and cities were able to expand and become more capitalistic. -
Pacific Railroad Acts
The transcontinental railroad started construction in 1862 and ended up being a historical system in America. Built right before the Civil War, this new national railroad caused many of industries to expand and produce more. In order for the railroad to run, businesses such as the steel and coal industries grew bigger and bigger to make this idea of a transcontinental railroad possible. -
first skyscrapers
The first skyscraper was the Home Insurance Building built in 1885 and located on the corner of Adams and LaSalle Streets in Chicago, Illinois, went down in history as the world’s first modern skyscraper. Designed by engineer William LeBaron Jenney. This building is a crucial part ro the expansion of cities and in modern day we still use the skyscrapers built from the late 1800's -
Sierra Club founded
John Muir founded this club which was one of the first large-scale preservation organizations in the world. Today, the Sierra Club focuses on green politics, such as promoting green energy and mitigating global warming. -
first ford model
The original Ford Model A is the first car produced by Ford, beginning production in 1903. This car model was made in 1,000's and helped thousands of people to travel around easier. If it wasn't for the ford car we wouldn't have had an faster and more productive way to travel. -
The Assembly Line
The assembly line was perfected by Henry Ford in 1913. This technique allowed for mass production, especially of cars. Without the assembly line, we would not be as advanced in modern technology. -
Federal Fuel Administration
President Wilson selected Harry A. Garfield to lead this organization that was dedicated to conserving energy. They introduced Daylight Saving Time and encouraged citizens to participate in Heatless Mondays. They are also responsible for setting and enforcing coal prices. -
Atomic Bomb invented
The atomic bomb was created during the Manhattan Project because of WWII. This nuclear weapon was only used twice in nuclear warfare, but had detrimental effects on the environment it was dropped on. It took these cities years to reconstruct, Testing of atomic bombs have resulted in environmental changes such as craters in the earth which can be seen in New
Mexico. -
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956
President Eisenhower passed this bill that is still the largest public works act in U.S. history. This bill allowed for the construction of 41,000 miles of Interstate Highway System. This helped industrialize America by causing more people to own cars since it was easier to commute. This in turn caused more pollution because of the increase of automobiles on U.S. roads. -
Silent Spring published
Rachel Carson's book explains how horrible the use of pesticides is on the environment. This led to the nationwide banning of DDT and resulted in the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. -
mobile phone call
the mobile cellphone created by Martin Cooper was a major advancement in the technology electronics. The cell phone began a whole new era of communication and made it so much easier to communicate