Human Rights

  • 3000 BCE

    No Human Rights

    Ancient Egypt - There were no human rights. However, if you were in with the right people, you were relatively safe.
  • 539 BCE

    Cyrus the Great conquers Babylon

    Cyrus The Great conquers Babylon and announces that all slaves are freed, that you could choose your religion, no matter who you are. His words were written on a clay tablet, which was named the Cyrus Cylinder. This was the beginning of human rights.
  • 479 BCE

    Idea spreads to Greece

    Greece adopts a similar idea to Babylon.
  • 272 BCE

    The Idea Spreads To India

    India adopts a similar idea.
  • 27 BCE

    Idea spreads to Roman Empire

    The Roman empire adopts a similar idea. They also notice that humans follow certain laws, without being told to, they called this Natural Law, but these laws kept getting ruined by people in power.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    In England, a king finally supports the fact that no one can overrule the rights to humans, not even a king. He wrote the Magna Carta.
  • British Petition of Rights

    People's rights were recognised and safe from those in power. The British Petition of Rights was created.
  • British Bill of Rights

    The British Bill of Rights was created.
  • The Enlightenment Sweeps Europe

  • Portugal Abolished Slavery

  • American Revolution and America Declaring Independence

    America Declaring Independence caused the King to realise that all men are created equal.
  • The French Revolution

    The French followed the Americans and started a revolution. They demanded an even longer list of rights. The French insisted that these rights weren't made up and that they were natural. Turned the Roman concept of Natural Law to Natural Rights.
  • US Bill of Rights

  • Napoleon Invades Europe

    A French general overthrows the French democracy. He wants to crown himself emporer of the world.
  • Sixth Coalition of Europe

    European Countries joined forces and defeated Napoleon. Human Rights was once again a popular topic.
  • WWI Started

    World War I began. This war resulted in about 40 million casualties of both civilians and soldiers.
  • WWI Ended

    World War I ended after Germany formally surrendered
  • WWII Started

    World War II began after Germany invaded Poland.
  • WWII Ended

    World War II ended after the Axis Powers surrendered. There had been 75 - 80 million deaths, which had been about 3%of the world's population at the time.
  • The United Nations Was Established

    The United Nations was established in San Fransisco after World War II ended. There were 50 founding countries.
  • The Declaration of Human Rights Was Established

    The Declaration of human rights was adopted by the 56 members of The United Nations, led by Elanor Roosevelt.