Jan 1, 1215
Manga Carta
It was basicly the first potishon. Its creation started when people got sick of paying taxes, and the newest robin hood movie was set in these times and on this subject. -
British Petition of rights
Its the same thing as the Manga Carta except there wasnt a big war over it. -
British bill of rights
seeing as the last 2 times Britan tryed to get what they wanted didnt work they tryed the british bill of rights. It was put in place so you could have freedom of speech in parliment and regular elections. -
American Decloration of Indipendince
America no longer wanted to be part of Britan so the started a war, pushed some tea into the sea, and got the declaration of independince. -
French Revolution
Natural Law now turns into natural rights. There was a huge battle over the rights of the people in france. When it was all over the finaly got what they wanted, witch was natural rights. -
Napoleon Invasion
He ruled over the french for many years, and tried to take over the world. He may hav succeded if the rest of Europe hadent teamed up against him. -
Natural Law
The Romans created natural law witch was bacily the fist human rights and where a world power. -
Mahatma Gandhi
He was just a lawyer at first, but then he started a huge protest in India. Finaly his protest got most of the world agreeing that evry one deservs rights. -
United Nations Established (UN)
After 2 world wars manny countrys united to create the UN. This was put in place to ceep the world at peace, and solve problems peacefuly -
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
EleanorRoosevelt confermed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This is the final guideline for us to follow. -
CYRUS the great
He freed the slaves, conquered Babylon, and took over most of Asia