Human Migration Timeline

  • 200,000 BCE


    Lived 4.5 million years ago, lives in centeral Africa modern day eathiopia, was the first hominid, lived in the forest mostly in trees, the start of our evolutionary chain.
  • 200,000 BCE

    Homo Habilis

    It’s able to make tools, existed 2.5 million years ago, first tools were stuff that can kill or break things or animals, hard held, one of the first tools were a teardrop shape axe. First part of the evolution chain where they are creating things and passing it on.
  • 200,000 BCE


    They were modern humans. They look like what we think cave men look liked. The disappeared due to not being able to adapt and keep up with all the hunting techniques and died out due to starvation. Originated out of Africa then migrated to Eurasia. Mainly used bone and rocks to make their tools to help them survive.
  • 200,000 BCE

    Homo sapiens sapiens

    These are humans like us, they evolved over time to be human that we know today. They started off in Africa. They learned from language and collective learning that’s where we get it from, they evolved that way. They started off by making their own tools from bones and stone, they eventually evolved from that to make them better for use.
  • 200,000 BCE


    The early humans started using stones and bones and shaped them into a point where they could use them to kill their food. This was a huge advancement for them to make it way easier to provide enough food for their families. After killing out most of the resources around they started to move to different areas to find more and better resources.
  • 70,000 BCE

    Mount Toba

    This event was what almost caused the extinction of our early ancestors. When this mountain erupted it had more magma then volcanos today. There were series of it exploding so it didn’t happen just once. This event wiped out a lot of out early people by the climate change it caused. It lead to reduction in humans and in their resources, this lead to them having to more to find more resources.
  • 70,000 BCE

    Migration out of Africa

    The main reason they started moving away from this area was because they were running out of resources. They need to follow their food source otherwise they would have dies out faster. You can also tell on the maps that they tried to stay close to water for resources and to travel. Along with the major climatic changes going on especially with the ice ages. These caused many sicknesses which lead to many deaths.
  • 40,000 BCE


    Needles made their life so much warmer, they made their needles out of animal bones. They used the needles to sew together animal skins to make their clothing. This kept them warmer during the ice age periods, so they were a very crutial tool.
  • 22,000 BCE

    Fish Hooks

    Fish hooks were a very big advancement to their resources. They made their fish hooks out of bone or sea snail shells. Fish grew to big part of early humans diet. They generally used fire to cook it along with other meats. This also could have been something that made them move because they had to follow the fish as well.
  • 15,000 BCE

    The Land Bridge Between Asia and North America

    This was a very populated path for the human migration, this was the safest way to move in such large groups. This bridge is supposed to help make a way for human to get to North America by foot. The bad part was the land bridge started to disappear under the sea so they lost their path. This caused them have to stay where they were at and settle down.
  • 12,000 BCE

    The Paleolithic Period

    This time era covers when they started using stone to make tools. So this would include their axes, scrapers, simply something to break an object. They started to figure out how to make simple tools to make their lives easier as they went on.
  • 11,700 BCE

    The Last Ice Age

    This occurred when glaciers where covering ost of the earth at that time. This event nearly killed the rest of the humans alive because they had gone through so many that this was their last thread. It was important that the people used fires to keep warm and be able to keep moving. They had troubles moving quickly because of the huge glaciers. Which lead them to start settling down and dying off.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Neolithic villages

    This is where they started to for little cities to grow their crops and have a steady stock of food. They started having jobs, their tools started to advance to make life easier to accomplish big tasks. Their metal work started during this which also advanced their tools to stones and other things.
  • 9600 BCE

    New Stone Age

    This was the longest Stone Age period. There were 3 stone ages and they were the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. This is when they used stone to create tools that would make their lives easier. They used to tools to hunt, make clothing, housing items, and many more unique things. It lasted around 3.4 million years.