Human Growth and Development Timeline

  • It's My Birthday!!

    I was born weighing a whopping 10lb 11oz! (That's HUGE)
  • Started Walking :)

    I started taking my 1st steps around 9 months old.
  • Started Saying Words

    "Ma-ma" & "Da-da" were my 1st words
  • Started Kindergarten

    I was 5 when I started. I did not go to Pre-K
  • Started Middle School

    I was 11 years old. Middle school started in 6th grade back in the day.
  • 9/11 Terror Attacks

    I was sitting in my 7th grade science classroom. Us students were having a hard time trying to figure out why all of the teachers were so distraught. We knew it was bad, but we couldn't comprehend how bad at our age.
  • Started High School

    I was 14 when I entered the 9th grade.
  • 1st Marriage

    What was I thinking?
  • Graduated from LPN School

  • 1st Child (Braylee) Born

  • 1st Nursing Job

    Started working at WayX hospital on a med-surg floor
  • 2nd Child (Zyla) Born

  • Graduated RN School

  • Started Teaching High School


    The virus was already making it's rounds BUT it really rocked our world in March and shut the schools and country down.
  • 2nd Marriage

    YAY! Best dude ever. :)