Human Growth and Development

By bakerm7
  • I was born.

    I was born.
  • 2nd Birthday

    2nd Birthday
    Terrible Two's have begun!
  • 4th Christmas

    4th Christmas
    First time my cousins came to Texas!
  • First trip to the beach

    First trip to the beach
  • First time to Disneyland

    First time to Disneyland
    Happiest Place on Earth!
  • Made Freshman Cheer

    Made Freshman Cheer
    First Jaguar Experience!
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
  • TCU Graduation

    TCU Graduation
  • First Salary Job

    First Salary Job
    Cook Children's Nurse
  • Getting Married

    Getting Married
  • First Kids

    First Kids
    Hopefully Twins!
  • 20th Wedding Anniversary

    20th Wedding Anniversary