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Human Dev Timeline

  • Adolescence (5th stage) - identity vs identity confusion

    Adolescence (5th stage) - identity vs identity confusion
    Jaiden was enrolled into a competitive sport program that she hated. She was bullied by other kids there and felt like an outcast. This resulted in Jaiden feeling isolated, not knowing who she was or where she belonged. The obstacle of Erikson's 5th stage, is the individual developing their identity, capabilities, and belonging in a culture that suits them. An inability to find their centerpoint, can result in feeling identity uncertainty.
  • Early Adulthood (6th stage) - intimacy vs isolation

    Early Adulthood (6th stage) - intimacy vs isolation
    Jaiden and Gregory got married to show their commitment to each other and love. The hurtle of Erikson's 6th stage is finding how to navigate relationships. Those unable or unwilling to engage in fostering intimate relationship(s), then navigate the feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • Middle Adulthood (7th stage) - generativity vs stagnation

    Middle Adulthood (7th stage) - generativity vs stagnation
    Jaiden volunteers her free time to teach young mother's postpartum self care workshops. As a counselor, she is using her skills to help younger generations learn healthy postpartum coping skills. Erikson's 7th stage places middle adults in the dilemma of whether they will pave the way to support younger generations or not contribute at all, stifling their own growth.