Hugo Puente classrrom Pablo's class timeline


    The day I was borned
  • Firts day of school

    Firts day of school
    When I was three I went to infant chool in CEU
  • My infant graduation

    My infant graduation
    When I was six I did a graduation to pass to primary and nex to me was Carlos my old friend
  • My first comunion

    My first comunion
    My firts comunion was when i was 9 in 2016 and it was my sisters birthday I enjoy it a lot because i got a oficial mach ball euro's and i was waiting for sumer to see the euro's
  • 6ºth grade school picture

    6ºth grade school picture
    It was the las picture that we did on 2019 before the pass of the term from primary to secondary
  • 1ºst secondary picture term

    1ºst secondary picture term
    This picture was done on September of 2019 just before Covid-19 so it’s a kind a special moment because since that global things have changed radically and because was the beginning of a new chapter in my live
  • Cologne

    The arrival to Cologne was a disaster we arrived at 23:30 and the hole school was disorganised a lot off mess no to talk a bout the cold weather that it was around 5 degrees horrible. And here we can se a friend of mine
  • Cologne gothic Cathedral

    Cologne gothic Cathedral
    Is the best cathedral I’ve ever seen i’ts amazing from the inside and the outside it just truly wonderful
  • Salamnca 2024

    Salamnca 2024
    It was one of the best trips off my live I had a great time and i made lots friends in those three days it was great I got to say that because that trip I made my place in class and with my friends
  • Malaga 2024

    Malaga 2024
    In the last summer I went to Malaga with some family and friends and we went to see Paquito Navarro play in a charity match and i then took a picture with him