Hugo Gelgor [1945-1980] The Modernization of Québec & The Quiet Revolution

By HugoG98
  • Period: to

    Maurice Duplessis as Premier with Union Nationale

    Maurice Dupplessis was Premier of Quebec Louis St. Laurent PM Canada. Quebec government allowed private enterprises to lead economy, "economic liberalism". Duplessis focused on modernizing agriculture by bringing electricity to rural areas. Furthermore Dupplessis had a strong connection to Catholic Curch followed clericalism. The Church was in charge health care education which became outdated. Dupplessis denied free health care unions as they were communist acts. Class Slides p. 9, 12
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    The Baby Boom

    During this period of time Maurice Duplessis was the premier of Quebec and Louis St. Lauren was PM for majority of the time. There was a baby boom. This meant there were more babies being born due to natural increase and a low infant mortality rate. This led to a growth in the population. These babies would become hippies later on. Class Slides p. 17
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    The Cold War

    Quebec was governed by individuals such as Duplessis, Sauvé, Johnson Sr., Bertrand, Bourassa, Lévesque, Johnson, Bertrand, Bourassa and Lévesque. Canada's PMs were: Mackenzie King, Laurent, Diefenbaker, Pearson, Trudeau and Clark. This war divided the world into USA who were capitalist democratic USSR was communists, with different ideologies. Quebec took advantage began selling natural resources (iron ore) to America. This showed that Quebec was a great trading option. Class Slides p. 3
  • Adoption of the Fleurdelisé (Québec’s Flag)

    Adoption of the Fleurdelisé (Québec’s Flag)
    - Tensions had been rising between the state and federal gov't. State wanted greater autonomy from federal gov't
    - Therefore, Duplessis gov't created a new provincial flag. A way to show autonomy to the federal gov't and that Quebec can survive on their own.
    -This event influenced many other movements and how Quebec wanted more autonomy from the rest of Canada. This event was only just one of many more similar to come. Class Slides p. 7, 10
  • Refus Global Manifesto Published

    Refus Global Manifesto Published
    - Maurice Duplessis was premier of Quebec and followed clericalism.
    - Many people believed in secularism and wanted state to separate from Catholic Church.
    - As a result, 15 artists signed Refus Global, a manifesto. It highlighted importance to limit the Church's power over society.
    - This meant the Church should deal with matters only regarding religion.
    - This led to influence on politics showed that Church shouldn't have strong political power. Class Slides p. 14
  • The Asbestos Strike

    The Asbestos Strike
    - Miners apart of asbestos strike fought safer conditions better pay
    There were many violent strikes that erupted, were suppressed by police
    However Maurice Duplessis premier of Quebec at that time believed Unions were an act of communism
    - Therefore, he declared strike illegal sided with the employers. This meant workers returned work unsafe conditions horrible pay
    - This event would affect Dupplesiss's supporters and influence more unions Class Slides p. 14
  • Québec Introduces Provincial Income Tax (Fiscal Autonomy)

    Québec Introduces Provincial Income Tax (Fiscal Autonomy)
    - Maurice Duplessis was the premier of Quebec during this time.
    - The Federal government wanted to centralize tax revenues but Quebec refused as they did not want to give up autonomy they had.
    -Therefore, as a result of this, the Duplessis government created news provincial tax's in 1954 to show greater autonomy from the federal government.
    -This action would Quebec's future down the road involving separation from Canada to have full autonomy. Class Slides: p. 7, 10
  • The Maurice Richard Riot

    The Maurice Richard Riot
    - A riot broke out in Montreal due to Maurice Richard, a NHL player for the Montreal Canadians was suspended for the rest of the playoffs for fighting.
    -French Canadians viewed this as an injustice committed by the anglophones against a French star.
    - This would only further add tensions in regard to French vs English. This event would be associated with the French identity and strengthen it. Class Slides p. 11
  • Rise of Consumer Society in Québec

    Rise of Consumer Society in Québec
    - The economy was booming, selling there was rise in the population and wages were increasing, more jobs available for crown cooperations. Furthermore, there was advertising everywhere.
    - As a result people saw the advertising and spent more money on items for pleasure and leisure
    - This event heavily effected the economy as it continued to grow and become stronger. Class Slides p. 42
  • The Welfare State under Premier Jean Lesage

    The Welfare State under Premier Jean Lesage
    - Jean Lesage (Liberal) became the new premier of Quebec wanted change.
    -Quebec became a welfare state was much more hands-on regarding helping the society and economy.
    - The state took control of the health care education system.
    - He began to modernize Quebec and catch up with the rest of the world. This would heavily effect Quebec's political's and economical's features positively for the future. Class Slides p. 28
  • Creation of Department of Cultural Affairs

    Creation of Department of Cultural Affairs
    - The state wanted to promote Quebecois identity culture.
    - They created this department which was responsible for promoting the French language in Quebec.
    - The state built Museums, concert halls and theatres to promote the french language.
    - They set up general delegations, to promote Quebec's economy culture in order to increase french immigrants.
    - These changes lead to increase in french immigrants a stronger Quebec identity. Class Slides p. 34
  • Economic Affirmation Measures

    Economic Affirmation Measures
    - The state wanted to take control of the economy and society for the benefit of Quebec.
    - They created crown cooperations put in place to boost the economy other french businesses. For example, the Lesage government nationalized electricity by buying all of the electricity companies making it into one company: Hydro-Quebec
    - They became the driving force of the economy
    - This lead to many crown cooperations being created to boost Quebec's economy
    Class Slides p. 31
  • Royal Commission

    Royal Commission
    - Uneasy relations between QC and federal gov't
    - Federal gov't look at the state of bilingualism biculturalism in Canada see's Quebec’s demands
    - Federal gov't found Francophones little access to civil services jobs, held by Anglophones
    - Francophone minorities in Canada less privileged than Anglophones in Quebec
    - This influenced PM Pierre Elliott Trudeau and in 1969 passed the Official Languages Act, made French English official languages Canada Class Slides p. 39
  • Birth Rate Drops in Québec

    Birth Rate Drops in Québec
    - Women gain access to work in a bigger range of jobs, contraception birth control are permitted
    - There's a drop in birth rate. Women do not want to have large families, they're busy working at their jobs do not have as much time anymore. Birth control, contraception abortion is allowed which lowers it.
    - Women continue to fight for better rights, access to new jobs which leads to FLF! This will heavily effect birth rate will continue to drop Class Slides p. 42
  • October Crisis – FLQ Kidnappings & War Measures Act

    October Crisis – FLQ Kidnappings & War Measures Act
    - Radical separatists (FLQ) who want to separate from Canada target British colonialism symbols
    - FLQ kidnaps British diplomat James Cross Liberal minister Pierre Laporte but they killed Laporte
    - The War Measures Act invoked, military called out some arrests made
    - FLQ members negotiated free passage Cuba return of James Cross
    - This event continued to strengthen tensions between French English. PQ gains supporters. Class Slides p. 46
  • Union Activism and The Common Front

    Union Activism and The Common Front
    - Tensions between workers employers had been growing for many years
    - Workers belonged to CEQ, FTQ CSN, demanded social change, a fairer distribution of wealth greater equality
    - Created union that united public and parapublic employees to declare an unlimited strike.
    - Members were imprisoned for defying government injunction forcing them back to work
    - This event led to further conflicts down the road involving unions, demands and strikes Class Slides p. 50
  • First Oil Crisis Begins

    First Oil Crisis Begins
    - An Arab-Isreali war breaks out.
    - OPEC raised oil prices to weaken non-Arab countries that support Israel.
    - Quebec's economic growth halted as there were oil shortages and an increase in cost of transportation and goods.
    - Quebec is now in a period of instability, inflation and people are now purchasing less.
    - This event was influenced by the war in the middle east
    - It would have a negative impact on Quebec's economy and bring it down severely. Class Slides p. 51
  • Bill 22 – French as Québec’s Official Language

    Bill 22 – French as Québec’s Official Language
    - Francophones feared French language was losing
    to english language.
    - In 1974 Bourassa gov't implemented Bill 22 which made French the only official language of Quebec. It also made it harder to attend English school.
    - This event changed Quebec socially as it made French the official language therefore it had to be spoken and would gain more popularity. This event would influence the future Bill 101. Class Slides p. 53
  • James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement (JBNQA)

    James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement (JBNQA)
    - Quebec gov't wanted to expand Hydro-Quebec and build more dams for more electricity.
    - The Bourassa gov't signed a deal with Inuit and Cree who lived on that land. The deal consisted of protection of their land, hunting fishing rights and money to be able to use the land for hydro-electricity development.
    - This event allowed Quebec to prosper economically as more electricity was being created that could be used as power and could be sold to others. Class Slides p. 47
  • Election of René Lévesque & The Parti Québécois

    Election of René Lévesque & The Parti Québécois
    - Two separatist parties RN and RIN united under René Levesque to form Parti Québécois.
    - Levesque elected in 1976
    - PQ promised to hold a referendum on Quebec sovereignty
    - Would determine if Quebec should or shouldn't separate from the rest of Canada
    -This event would change Québec politically, socially and economically if they were to separate from Canada in near future.
    - Furthermore, it would influence future policies, movements and laws in Quebec. Class Slides p. 55
  • Bill 101 – The Charter of the French Language

    Bill 101 – The Charter of the French Language
    - The Levesque gov't felt that french language was losing popularity to english language it wasn't used enough
    - The Charter of the French Language (Bill 101) was passed to protect promote french language
    - It made immigrant children attend francophone schools. Only French words were allowed on public signs inside outside
    - Immediate consequence over 5 years 90000 Anglophones left for Ontario
    - This bill affected QC socially as French was used more
    Class Slides p. 56
  • Act to Govern the Financing of Political Parties

    Act to Govern the Financing of Political Parties
    - The state wanted political parties have more transparency as who could give $ to them.
    - This act limited donations to only citizens to contribute to political parties, not companies, unions or lobby groups and maximum of $3000. The names of all the people who gave more than $100 were to be made public.
    - State pays for election expenses
    - This event changed Québec politically lower favouritism and corruption taking place in politics and elections. Class Slides p. 59
  • Act Respecting the Preservation of Agricultural Land

    Act Respecting the Preservation of Agricultural Land
    - Farm land was being used to build homes factories, particularly along the Vallée du Saint-Laurent. Barely any farmers were left and farm land was becoming scarce.
    - Therefore, to solve the shortage of good agricultural land, this Act restricted the sale of farmland to developers by reserving it for farming only.
    - This event/Act would allow farmers to continue to farm. Agriculture would not go extinct in Quebec and good farm land would still exist. Class Slides p. 59
  • Multiculturalism Policy

    Multiculturalism Policy
    - The Federal gov’t creates the multiculturalism policy under Trudeau results in easing of restrictions for immigration. The federal gov't wanted to bring more people into Canada.
    - The Bourassa gov't prioritizes francophone immigrants, such as many Haitian and Vietnamese refugees
    - Quebec gains many more french speaking immigrants, which popularizes the French language more. Class Slides p. 60
  • Second Oil Crisis

    Second Oil Crisis
    - Major oil producer Iran went through a revolution meaning shortage of oil.
    - This meant another oil crisis high rate of inflation. Businesses looked to cheaper countries for labour which resulted in a high rate of unemployment less tax revenues for gov't.
    - The gov't can't collect taxes can't pay for social services which meant they are now in debt
    - This event was influenced by a global issue meant there would be an economic downturn for QC. Class Slides p. 60