2013 BCE
March 5 2013: following Hugo's years-long battle with cancer he died on March 5, 2013 at age 58 in Venezuela. -
Period: 2011 BCE to 2012 BCE
June 2011: in the June of 2011 Hugo Chavez had figured out that he had cancer. Following a surgery to remove a pelvic abscess from later 2011 to early 2012. He had to go through three sugeries to remove cancerous tumors. -
2006 BCE
Bolivarian Alternative
2006:In 2006, Chávez helped create the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, someone who supports socialism free-trade organization.Chávez was also an active member of the Non-Aligned Movement, a group of more than 100 countries, including Cuba, Iran and multiple African nations. -
Period: 1999 BCE to 2000 BCE
1999-2000:Chavez became president of Venezuela in 1999. During his first year in office, his approval rating reached 80 percent. In this “mega-election” of 2000, Chavez was reelected to a six-year term.( which is a presidential time to serve) -
1992 BCE
Government of Pres
February 4, 1992: Chavez and a group of military officers led a try to overcome the government of Pres. unfortunately for Chavez the rebellion quickly collapsed meaning they were not good to stand up against the government. But while the other rebel leaders successfully captured their targeted military bases. -
1954 BCE
July 28 1954:Hugo Chavez was born in Sabaneta, Venezuela on July 28, 1954, and he attended Venezuelan military academy. Chávez grew up in Sabaneta, a small town in the southwestern plains of Venezuela. He was the second of six surviving children, all boys -
Venezuelian vice president
February 2012: Hugo acknowledged the severity of the opperation as well as the possibility of not being able to continue his service as president and subsequently named Venezuelian vice president -
Jaunuary 2013: due to his declinging health Hugo was prevented from being inaugurated for a fourth term.