Funny harry potter jokes leo 5876519d3df78c17b6028400

HP History

  • Oh hi der Harry

    Harry is born
  • Lol bye James bye Lily

    Harry's parents die
  • Yer a wizard Harry. I'm a wut?

    Hagger visits Harry in da hut
  • Don't touch ma face

    Harry defeats Voldy for the first time.
  • Lol Lockhart ur dumb

    Harry defeats Voldy for the second time.
  • Wut the murderous dog is my godfatha?

    Voldy takes a book off, Sirius needs to eat something
  • Lol bye vampire

    Cedric dies, Harry escapes Voldy once again

    Hey look Voldy's back. Oh yea Harry gets away
  • Lol bye Dumbledore

    Dumbledore dies but Voldy doesn't do it, spoiler alert it's Snape

    Dozens die in the Battle of Hogwarts. Including Voldy lol bye Tom
  • 19 yrs later

    Harry marries Ginny and Ron marries Hermione because none of them know how to make new friends and they all live happily ever after because "Always".