My literacy growth timeline

  • The Cookie Jar

    The Cookie Jar
    The earliest experience related to reading that I can remember is the stories that my mom used to read to me when I was young. Most notably, it was two stories which coincidentally, both related to cookies, them being, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.
  • Sesame St.

    Sesame St.
    I Grew up in a Hispanic household, and so early on, the main language I grew accustomed to was Spanish. But my mom also really wanted me to learn to speak English early so that I can be more accustomed to it outside of the home. My mom would read books to me in English and words, but the main way I was able to learn English was from watching the TV, and I showed I really liked when I was young was Sesame St. I learned most of early English words and phrases through Sesame St.
  • Leap Frog

    Leap Frog
    Another form of entertainment that my mom would put on for me to develop my English and learn to read early on was Leap Frog. The show or videos would showcase basic words and pronunciations of letters and words, which set up the basic for my speech.
  • The packet

    The packet
    Another way my mom used to teach me was by making do hw that she would assign in the form of a packet. She had gotten this packet for me which had thousands of pages and had sections on every subject. I hated it but she would make me study for hours which helped my with my math and my writing skills.
  • The Zoo, Creative writing

    The Zoo, Creative writing
    My earliest experience of real writing on my own was around second grade, where we had a creative writing assignment where we had to make up a fictional story with ourselves in it. We had a variety of prompts to choose from such as for the location and I had gotten a store, and so I choose to create a story about myself being trapped in a mall overnight and I for some reason had to sneak out of it without getting caught.
  • Series

    Around First Grade, one of the earliest series that really hooked me on at the time was the I Survived Series, a historical fiction series where it recount important events in history, told through the life of a fictional character
  • Favorite series

    Favorite series
    One of my favorite series that I had started to read around the 3rd grade was Percy Jackson, the world intrigued me and made me want to learn more about Greek culture and history.
  • MLA

    in 8th and 9th grade was when I learned the basis for proper Essay writing in MLA format, which I use now for all of my papers.