How My Government Came to Be

By asmit10
  • Obamacare is implemented

  • Direct Democracy Party is formed

    Party is formed off the backlash against Obamacare
  • Period: to

    Direct Democracy Party actively lobbies for more direct representation

    Party believes that controversial decisions should be made by those in the area in which it takes place.
  • Obama controversially blocks Keystone Pipeline XL

  • Direct Democracy Party Criticizes Critics

    Party argues that opposition against Obama's pipeline veto should be met with lobbying for a reformation of government.
  • D.D. Party claims that none of the presidential candidates will make a difference

    The party argues that none of the candidates will have a lasting effect, and they won't give the American people what they want.
  • Trump Wins by electoral college, while losing popular vote

    Much of the country is in awe, despite the D.D. party referencing how this has happened in the past, and will continue to.
  • Massive protests at Washington D.C.

    Hundreds of thousands of people begin protesting Donald Trump's election, calming that this is not what the people want. Many places shut down for weeks during protests.
  • People continue protests during Christmas

    Thousands of people sleeping in front of Washington D.C. on Christmas and Christmas Eve, government takes notice.
  • Meeting between party representatives

    A meeting is held between all party representatives for the following week to decide what to do.
  • Direct Democracy elective is declared president

    A day before Obama leaves office, it's determined that the Direct Democracy party representative is the best choice for office, based on the promise of more representation and focus on the citizens of the United States.