Treaty of Versialles
The Treaty of Versailles is an important treaty because it brought WWI to an end. The treaty was signed by the Germany and Allied Powers such as Japan, Belgium, Greece, and Romania. The treaty had forced Germany to pay for all the damages, disarm their army and give away some of their territory. -
Hitler takes control of Germany
Hitler has risen to power after convincing German's that he will finally bring Germany back the power it had lost fifteen years ago during WWI. The economic depression had hit Germany especially hard, and millions of people were out of work. Hitler had told the people he would bring a change that all the classes wouldn't have to live in poverty anymore. After all the voting Hitler was announced the Chancellor of Germany. -
Invasion of Rhineland
Rhineland, a strip of land inside Germany bordering on France, Belgium and the Netherlands, was to be de-militarized. Which means no German troops were to be stationed around the area. German troops marched into the Rhineland on March 7, 1919 to take back their land.This action was against the Treaty of Versailles which had placed terms on defeated Germany which they had accepted. This move threw the European allies, especially France and Britain into worry but they didn't do anything about it. -
Anschluss means connection or joining. This term was used to show how Hitler and the Nazi party brought Austria into their country to expand Germany and make it "greater". -
Invasion of Czechoslovakia
The invasion of Czechoslovakia wasn't a shock because Hitler was not just interested in a 'Greater Germany'. Hitler invaded and demanded that the government surrender to Germany. The Czech government was scared and was ready to fight the Nazis but the League of Nations, Britain, and France chose negotiation to keep peace. -
Munich Pact
The leader of Britain and France met with Hitler in Munich, Germany to make an agreement. The pact was that Britain and France will hand over Czechoslovakia if he promises to not invade other European countries. Britain and France were proud of the Munich Pact but they believed Hitler would stay true to his words but he didn't. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
The Nazi-Soviet Pact was between Germany and Russia. The German-Soviet Treaty was improved after the joint invasion of Poland. It was enforced for nearly two years, until Hitler ended the pact by launching an attack on the Soviet. -
The Invasion of Poland/ Start of WWII
when Hitler invaded Poland in September the League of Nations finally realized the negotiations had failed. Hitler had broken the Munich Pact by attacking Poland and Britain and France finally declared war on Germany. Thus breaking the Treaty of Versailles and proving that the League of Nations had failed. Peace was gone from Europe and WWII had begun.