Figure 45 05 01

How Human's Population Went from 1 Billion to 7.7 Billion

  • Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    During this year, better farming technology was invented such as the seed drill and the horse hoe. With these agricultural advancements, farmers could now produce more food with less land. Therefore, there will be more food, less farmers and an increase in population due to higher birth rates and death rates (Child Mortality).
  • Hygiene Improvement

    Hygiene Improvement
    People were able to solve their hygiene problem with new sewage systems and would clean themselves more often. They also added flushable toilet (1852). This slowed down the spreading of many diseases and this caused lower death rates which meant population growth.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The industrial revolution started in 1760 and ended around 1840. During this period, people started mass producing objects with steam engines. During the industrial revolution, people started mass producing clothing and started producing electricity. Mass producing clothing with the help of cotton mills made clothing cheaper and more accessible.
  • First Vaccine - Small Pox

    First Vaccine - Small Pox
    Small Pox killed a lot of people before vaccines were created. This invention made it so people could become immune to this disease. This vaccine slowed down death rates and caused the creation of more vaccines in the future which would decrease death rates.
  • Transportation

    The first powered steam locomotive was invented. This meant that there was faster transportation for food and resources to people and cities. Transportation with the help of the agricultural revolution could now create cities where not everyone has to be farmers. This also meant that more people could be fed from the transportation of food and people could focus on work other than farming.
  • Central Heating

    Central Heating
    The first central heating unit was installed in a hospital. With heating, patience will not have to face harsher temperature while sick and children will not die from cold when born. This will cause lower child mortality and death rates.
  • First Antibiotic - Penicillin

    First Antibiotic - Penicillin
    Penicillin was created and it helped fight harmful bacteria. This helped people flight bacterial based illnesses which helped decrease death rates.
  • Global Trade and Improved Transportation

    Global Trade and Improved Transportation
    Many different countries could now trade with other countries. This meant that everyone could access resources and therefore countries would make industries and many other tasks more efficient. More efficiency will decrease child mortality rates. Global trade will also give countries access to antibiotics and vaccines that they could not manufacture which will decrease birth rates.