
How did U.S. foreign policy change the stuffs in the world

  • Payne-Aldrich Bill in 1909

    This increased the tariff on goods being imported to the united states and hurt American trade and relations with some countries.
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    Taft's dollar diplomacy

    This was the idea that American companies should invest in foreign trades. This strengthened the American economy and foreign policy.
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    Moralistic Diplomacy

    Replaces Taft's dollar diplomacy and stated that America should only get involved in Latin American affairs when it is morally sound, corrupt government, etc... .
  • Jones act

    Promised Philippines territorial status as soon as a stable government was put into power and established
  • The United States joins WW1

    With the sinking of merchant ships and the Zimmerman note the United States joins the war under moralistic views
  • Paris Conference

    The Paris conference was created for the ultimate goal of the League of Nations, with the Big Four, America, Italy, France, and Britain.
  • Security Treaty

    This stated that America and Britain would protect France if it were to be invaded again
  • The creation of the league of nations

    The league of nations was created to be a higher world power to prevent future wars through diplomacy, Congress refused Wilson's pleas to join as they wanted to go back to isolationism, and this caused the League of nations to be weak, since it revolved around America's involvement
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    America's isolationism

    No description required
  • Five-Power navel treaty

    This treaty limited the amount of vessels allowed to be held based off of the current American navy
  • Pact of Paris

    tried to outlaw war, which is hilarious.
  • Hawley-Smoot tariff

    This raised some import tariffs to 60% which was an all time high which didn't help relations with other countries was they had to raise their tariffs as well.
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    FDR's good neighbor policy

    stated that america wouldn't intervene in Latin American affairs at all
  • Reciprocal trade aggrements

    21 countries agreed to lowered tariffs, this increased trade between them and especially helped America
  • Neutrality acts

    kept america out of foreign wars
  • Neutrality acts

    kept america out of foreign wars
  • Neutrality acts

    kept america out of foreign wars and affairs