How Christian Worship Music Has Changed

  • Period: 1 CE to 400

    1st to 4th Century: Early Christian Music

    Early Christian music was predominantly vocal and choral in style and was first borrowed from Jewish traditions.
    The Church was still forming at this time, and neither the liturgy nor the music were uniform.
    The majority of early Christian hymns were used in private devotion and small groups, and many of them were based on biblical themes.
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    1st century worship

    1st century worship
  • Period: 401 to Jan 1, 1000

    5th to 10th Century: Medieval Christian Music

    The Catholic Church grew to be Europe's primary place of worship during the Middle Ages, and Christian worship music became more standardized.
    At this period, the Gregorian chant was created, and for several centuries, it was the main style of Christian worship music.
    At this period, music notation was created, which encouraged the broad adoption of Christian music. Music notation was developed during this time, which allowed for the widespread dissemination of Christian music.
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    Medieval Worship Music

    Medieval Worship Music
  • Period: Jan 1, 1501 to

    16th to 17th Century: Protestant Reformation

    Christian worship music underwent tremendous alteration as a result of the Protestant Reformation.
    The reformers held that music used in worship should be straightforward, with an emphasis on the text rather than complex musical compositions.
    Protestant worship incorporated hymns as a necessary component, and several new songs were composed in the public's native languages.
  • Hymm

  • Period: to

    18th to 19th Century: Classical Music

    Classical music rose in popularity in the 18th and 19th centuries, and many composers started using Religious themes in their works.
    One of the most well-known composers of the era, Johann Sebastian Bach, produced a large number of cantatas, oratorios, and chorales specifically for use in Christian worship.
  • Classical Worship Music

    Classical Worship Music
  • 20th Century: Gospel and Contemporary Christian Music

    Gospel music became a separate genre of Christian music in the 20th century.
    Gospel music, which was distinguished by its peppy rhythms and strong singers, was significantly influenced by African-American spirituals and blues music.
    Contemporary Christian music, which incorporates elements of rock, pop, and other genres into Christian worship music, rose to popularity in the second half of the 20th century.
  • Modern Worship Music

    Modern Worship Music