How can you help a group of refugees be integrated in your town?

By Zwimyl
  • The number of people that can be successfully integrated.

    The number of people that can be successfully integrated.
    In our town the population is 150.000 . So, we must help a certain number of people that can be successfully integrated. In proportion to our population, 15.000 people is a perfect number because it is 10% of the population. If we manage to embrace the right number of refugees and not more or less, we will be even closer to the solution of refugee problem.
  • Accomodation

    A potential problem that must be solved is refugee's accomodation. A solution is to ask for help from NGOs.
    It would be pretty well if they can undertake to pay a nominal rent. Another aspect is to offer any vacant, abandoned houses that exist in town to the refugees.
  • The kind of enterpreneurship that can be developed.

    The kind of enterpreneurship that can be developed.
    Refugee's presence can help the enterpreneurship to be developed. Refugees want something to do during the day. They want to be busy and not bored. So, we can offer them jobs as labourers in the fields or they can work in a factory that makes peach compotes near our town.
  • The ways your school can help.

    The ways your school can help.
    Of course there are a lot of ways that school can help too. We can donate old clothes, toys and food and share them to the refugees who are in need. Also, we can help the refugee's children to learn the language more quickly.
  • The potential benefits for local community.

    The potential benefits for local community.
    Refugees can help local community too. First of all they will increase the population of the town. Secondly, they will boost the local economy because the will use their money to buy local products and they will use local servises and shops.