Mar 12, 1066
The Middle Ages
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Period: Mar 12, 1066 to Jan 1, 1485
The Middle Ages
Fortresses were built for the first time by Normans.The most important were Tower of London and Windsor castle.The structure was formed by thick walls and small windows.They were castles.During the 14th century attention of people changed from defence to comfort and accomodation.So castles became palaces;which were built with wood and stone. -
Jan 8, 1485
The tudors style
Period: Jun 8, 1485 to
Tudors style
Classical culture and Italian renaissance influenced all the arts in this period.Mansions,houses of rich people,were large and they were made with stone and brick.They had got large windows.Also sometimes outside there was a garden with a spectacular fountain.Into the house there was a chimney;which was tall and thin and it was made with brick.The most important material was glass.It was expensive so not all people could afford it.Tudors'houses are known for their black and white effects. -
The Stuarts and the English renaissance
Period: to
The Stuarts and the English renaissance
During this periode there was the english renaissance and the most important architect was Inigo Jones.Roman architecture influenced him and changed the British style and design.Then there was a Palladian movement revived the Italian influence which Inigo jones introduced in Britain.The most famous architect was Sir christopher Wren.The baroque movement had a brief flowering in England.This style utilizies strong lines and rich colours. -
The Georgian style
Period: to
The Georgian style
Georgian style was the predominant style in the18th century.Andrea palladio who was an italian architect influenced this style with his ideas.Georgian houses were elegant,with pillars in the front.In the middle there was a portico.The most famous type of house was the town house.The front door was panelled and windows were only sash windows.They had got terraces,which took several forms.An example is Bath Royal Crescent.Then there was the regencyperiod and the most famous architectwas John Nash. -
The Victorian age
Period: to
The Victorian Age
There was the Gothic style.During it changed the use of materials.Victorian houses had reddish brick walls in contrast with white windows.They had iron railings,decoration on the walls and decorative rooftops.Poor people lived in small terraced houses and middle classes in semi-detached houses.During the 19th century was born arts and crafts movement;which wanted a return to high quality materials in all fields of arts and decoration.