The addams family

House of Spirits

  • Clara's Birth/ Beginning of WWI

    Clara's Birth/ Beginning of WWI
    Clara is born and the World War I begins
  • Rosa's Death/ End of WWI

    Rosa's Death/ End of WWI
    Rosa dies. World War I is officially over.
  • Marcos Bird Plane

    Marcos Bird Plane
    Marcos creates his bird plane around the same time as the first transatlantic flight made by Charles Lindbergh
  • Middle Class

    Middle Class
    Arturo Alessandri Palma is elected president; this shows the increase in power by the middle class.
  • First Dictactor of Chile

    First Dictactor of Chile
    Carlos Ibanez del Campo becomes dictator until 1931. Severo del Valle is invited to Liberal party.
  • Crash of 1929 & the Depression

    Crash of 1929 & the Depression
    At the time when things are at their worse for the people, Estaban is having a very successful year
  • Estaban returns

    Estaban returns
    Estaban returns and Clara speaks about her marriage to Estaban. Dictator Carlos Ibanez steps down from power and Arturo Alessandri Palma, once again takes power.
  • Severo and Nivea del Valle die in a car accident

    Severo and Nivea del Valle die in a car accident
  • Seguro Obrero massacre

    Seguro Obrero massacre
    Esteban starts to get involved with the Conservative Party/Huge wedding
  • Huge earthquake strikes

    Huge earthquake strikes
    Esteban is crushed under the house/devestation for the whole country
  • Pedro and Blanca

    Pedro and Blanca
    Pedro and Blanca begin their romance, secretly meeting at night. Carlos Ibanez del Campo is president. Living expenses rise.
  • "The Great Chilean Earthquake"

    "The Great Chilean Earthquake"
    Clara foresees the earthquake. The earthquake is rated a 9.5 and destroys everything. Clara and her family are at the families ranch. Blanca is with Pedro. Blanca's father, Estaban is crushed by the earthquake. Clara becomes the "man of the house."
  • Clara leaves

    Clara leaves
    Jean de Satigmy follows Blanca and finds that her and Pedro have a relationship. Jean tells Estaban.Estaban beats Blanca and hits Clara, so she loses several teeth. Clara, Blanca and Pedro Garcia leave Tres Marias.
  • Blanca is pregnant

    Blanca is pregnant
    Estaban arranges a marriage between Jean de Satigmy and Blanca. Blance and Jean leave for the Northern Desert until Blanca is ready to give birth.
  • Jean de Satigmy

    Jean de Satigmy
    Jean begins illegal excavations of the ancient civilizations. He also transports liquors that at the time was illegal.
  • Alba is born

    Alba is born
    Alba is born and has features that are similiar to Rosa.
  • Estaban Garcia arrives

    Estaban Garcia arrives
    Esteban's illegitimate son, Estaban Garcia arrives at the house in the city asking for a recommendation. E. Garcia also meets little Alba for the first time. Eduardo Frei Montalva becomes president of Chile from 1964-1970. He is the first Christian Democrat president.
  • Clara dies

    Clara dies
    Clara dies on Alba's seventh birthday.
  • Nicholas IUN

    Nicholas IUN
    Nicholas is sent to the United States by his embarassed and angry father. In the United States, Nicholas establishes another Institure for Union with Nothingness.
  • Salvaldor Allende

    Salvaldor Allende
    Salvador Allende is elected president. He is the first Socialist president.
  • Augusto Pinochet

    Augusto Pinochet
    Pinochet becomes dictator. He will remain dictator until 1990.
  • Alba and Miguel

    Alba and Miguel
    Alba enrolls in the university and she falls in love with Miguel. She also meets Esteban Garcia as a police officer
  • Jaime is Killed

    Jaime is Killed
    A military coup is created to overthrow the Socialist party. The president of Chile is killed and Jaime is imprisoned. Later Jaime is killed because he doesn't denounce his beliefs.
  • Pedro and Blanca

    Pedro and Blanca
    Pedro and Blanca flee to Canada because of his beliefs.
  • Military Raid

    Military Raid
    A police raid is done and theTrueba house is raided. Alba is taken away.
  • Alba's Captivity

    Alba's Captivity
    Alba is held captive by the head of the police, Estaban Garcia. She is confined to solidarity where she tries to kill herself but is stopped by the ghost of Clara.
  • Chile Economic Meltdown

    Chile Economic Meltdown
    Because of the recent Socialist win, the Conservative party withdraws all their support, the economy collapses. Esteban Garcia tries to amend Tres Marias but is captured. Pedro Garcia then convinces the peasants to free Esteban Garcia. Pinochet neglects the economy and it finally crashes.
  • Alba is Found!

    Estaban Garcia finds Alba through his old friend Transito Soto.
  • Today
