Aeronauts french ascent jacques alexandre cesar charles marie noel robert dec 1 1783

hot air balloons over the years

  • How it was made

    It was made in silk and lined with paper that was 33 feet in diameter and launched It to the market place -with nobody aboard- on June 4th, 1783.
  • When it was made/ invented

    The hot air balloon was the first successful human- carrying flight technology. It was made in September 19, 1783 in France.
  • Who invented hot air balloons

    Who invented hot air balloons
    The first hot air balloon created was in France by the brothers joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier in 1783
  • First passangers

    First passangers
    The first passengers to get on the hot air balloons were actually animals (a sheep, duck, and a rooster) in 1783.
  • When it started to get popular

    They started to get popular around November 21st 1784 about a year after they came out.
  • How they were used in battles

    How they were used in battles
    Hot air balloons used to be the beginning of battle aviation. The first military use of hot air balloons was a battle of Fleurus in Europe (1794), with the French using the balloon as an observation post to look out for enemies.
  • When gas balloons were flown

    When gas balloons were flown
    on 1830 gas air balloons were flown. Unlike, hot air balloons gas didn’t depend on fire to get them aloft and stay up and therefore they were able to stay up longer and it was much easier to control.
  • First flight attenders

    Former king, Louis XVI, wanted hot air balloon flights to go ahead but didn’t want to be responsible for potential fatalities, so decided to make criminals condemned to death pilot hot air balloons. (December 1792)