
By GSchool
  • 1940 BCE


    France was attacked by Germany.
  • George Washington Carver

    He was smart.
  • Wilbur and Orville Wright

    They made the first airplane.
  • History

    German invaded Poland.
  • History

    Germany invaded Denmark and Norway.
  • Jackson Pollock

    He was a painter.
  • History

    Hitler launched a bomb against Holland and Belgium.
  • History

    Germany and Italy occupied in Yugoslavia, Greece and North Africa.
  • History

    Germany attacked Russia and had made some gains.
  • History

    Japan occupied the US navy at Pearl Harbor.
  • History

    Japan took Singapore at Britain.
  • V-E Day

    during WWII Victory in Europe Day
  • V-J Day

    during WWll Victory in Japan
  • Roosevelt

    When president Roosevelt died president Truman took over.
  • atomic bomb

    The first atomic bomb.