Horthy Regime

  • Horthy was elected Regent of Hungary

    Horthy was elected Regent of Hungary
    the army 'ensured' the election and Horthy became head of the state
    this made the Horthy Era begin
  • Bethlen becomes Prime Minister of Hungary

    Bethlen becomes Prime Minister of Hungary
    Horthy appointed him. He was a 'liberal old conservative' who insisted on the basis of bourgeoisie society. He refused revolutions, dictatorship and mass democracy.
  • Bethlen-Peyer Pact

    Bethlen's goal was to ensure the superiority of KNEP. Since they couldn't get rid of the Social Democrats, they were turned into a loyal opposition.
    It was a win-win situation because the Social Democrats got restricted freedom and Bethlen could deactivate the most dangerous opposing force.
  • League of Nations

    Hungary joined the League of Nations and this event had several advantages (loan, end of isolation)
  • National Bank

    Hungary established the National Bank
    in this year, we also got a loan from the League of Nations
  • Pengő

    the corona lost its value so pengőstarted being used instead of it
  • Italian-Hungarian treaty of friendship and cooperation

    this treaty helped us to break out of the international isolation and gain Mussolini's support against Yugoslavia
  • Károlyi became Prime Minister

    Károlyi became Prime Minister
    the Great Depression hit Hungary as well and Bethlen couldn't handle the situation. He resigned and his successor was Károlyi Gyula.
  • Gömbös Gyula became Prime Minister

    Gömbös Gyula became Prime Minister
    He came to power by demanding the 'changing of the guard'. He was rightist and in favor of the Christian middle class. He was in power until 1936.
  • Rome Protocols

    It was an economic cooperation between Hungary,Austria and Italy.