Horrible Holocaust

  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    President Hindenburgh appoints Adolf Hitler Chancellor of Germany.
  • Concentration Camp

    Concentration Camp
    The Dachau concentration camp outside of Munich is was opened.
  • Law

    Nazis pass law allowing for forces sterilization of those found by Herditary Health Court to have genetic defects.
  • Fines on Jews

    Fines on Jews
    One billion mark fine levied against German Jews for the destruction of property during Kristallnacht.
  • Invadtion

    Germany invades Denmark and Norway.
  • Declares of War

    Declares of War
    Nazi declares war on the United States.
  • Deportation

    Germans begin to deportation of more than 65,00 Jews from Drancy to the east.
  • Deporting

    Hitler takes over Hungary and begins deporting 12,000 Hungarian Jews each day to Auschwitz where they are murdered.
  • Jews

    Jew could no longer head businesses or attend social events.
    Jewish children are segretated into their own Jewish schools.
    Have to follow strict rules and have curfews.
  • Finally Over

    Finally Over
    Holocaust is over and the camps are now emptied. Many survivors have wrote stories and is sharing this nasty childhood experience.