Shapers Summer Assignment (Timeline)

  • Viktor E. Frankl was born

  • Lale Sokolov was born

  • Louis Zamperini was born

  • Louis joins track

    Louis joins track
    Louis becomes a very troubled child until his older brother, Pete, encourages him to join the track team at the High School. HepPracticed all the time and ran the fastest high school mile.
  • Louis gets drafted into war

    Louis gets drafted into the war in the air corps.
  • Viktor gets sent to concentration camp

    Viktor gets sent to concentration camp
    Frankl and his wife, Tilly, were sent to Theresienstadt Ghetto concentration camp.
  • Lale is taken to a concentration camp

    Lale is taken to a concentration camp
    Lale is taken on a train to somewhere unknown after he offers himself up to help the Germans in whatever work they need. He had no idea what his job was going to be and didn’t know he wouldn’t see his family for a very long time.
  • Lale meets Gita

    Lale meets Gita
    Lale and Gita lock eyes for the first time while Lale tattoos Gita’s number on her arm. His heart was beating out of his chest, wanting to stay with this girl forever. This is also where Lale receives the full responsibility of being the tattooist and becomes friends with Baretski.
  • Lale meets Victor

    Lale meets the civilian Victor and they come up with a deal for both Victor to receive diamonds and Lale to receive food. This is how Lale helps out prisoners throughout their time in the camp.
  • Lale helps prisoner

    Prisoners come up to Lale and ask for help to stop their friend from being hanged after he tried to escape. Lale asks his coworker, Bella, to add this boy to the transport list so he can get out of there. Example that shows Lale’s selflessness and how he is using his position to help others.
  • Lale is taken to Crematorium

    Lale is taken to Crematorium
    Lale is taken to the Crematorium to distinguish the difference between two numbers. He is traumatized by what he sees, with the naked bodies and dirty areas in the oven. He realizes he is the only Jew who walked in and walked back out.
  • Louis' plane crashes

    Louis' plane crashes
    Louis’ team is ordered to look for a missing plane. However, they couldn’t use the plane they usually fly so they had to use a questionable plane. Three of the four engines blow up during their flight and they are forced to make an emergency landing in the water. Only Louis and two others, Phil and Mac, survive.
  • Louis reunites with family

    Louis reunites with family
    Louis reunites with his family and later on is able to reunite with Phil as well.
  • Period: to

    Louis & others survive on raft

    Louis, Phil, and Mac survive on a raft in the middle of the ocean for 47 days. They had to ration their food, catch fish, dodge Japanese shooting, and fight the sharks. Mac passes away during this time, leaving only Louis and Phil to survive.
  • Period: to

    Louis & Phil get captured

    Japanese capture Phil and Louis off of the raft. They were then beaten and questioned, hoping to get information about the Americans’ plans in war.
  • Viktor gets sent to Auschwitz

    He and a bunch of others traveled for days in a train to head to Asuchwitz and had to go through awful examinations before officially being in the extinction camp.
  • Lale gets in trouble

    Lale gets caught with jewels hidden under his mattress and claims prisoners gave them to him but will not tell them who. Jakub, a prisoner who Lale helped when he first arrived, had no choice but to torture the names out of him even thought Lale would never confess. Lale flashbacks to memories of him and his family and is accepting his fate of death. Jakub then does him a favor and tells the guards he would have confessed if he knew names so they let Lale go.
  • Louis gets sent to concentration camp

    Louis gets sent to concentration camp
    Louis and Phil get separated at the Omori POW camp. The leader, Mutishiro Wantanabe, would specifically torture Louis more than the other prisoners. They are later forced to transfer to another camp after the Americans found where they were. It takes Louis so much to survive all the torture and labour.
  • Lale has a new job at a chalet

    They enter this beautiful chalet where Lale has his own room and is able to have new clothes and bathe. His minder and another soldier walk in and tell him he must go into town and bring back women by bribing them. The soldier, Frederich, will kill Lale if he tries to escape and will watch him at all times. Lale lives in luxury for a few weeks, doing the job he is told.
  • Lale makes it to Bratislava

    Lale makes it to Bratislava
    It takes Lale three days to get there and then stays at the train station for two weeks, waiting for Gita to possibly arrive. While Gita is walking on the street, she catches Lale’s eyes and Lale asks Gita to marry him.
  • Lale and Gita get married

    Lale and Gita got married and made a home in Bratislava and Lale started to import fine fabrics as his own business.
  • Lale gets transported again

    Lale gets transported again
    Lale finds himself transported to another concentration camp in Mauthausen, Austria where he is strip searched and then asked to be moved again to a subcamp of Mauthausen in Vienna.
  • Viktor gets sent to a rest camp (Turckheim)

    Frankl was transported to a rest camp (Turckheim) with a bunch of typhus patients to treat. Frankl gave a lecture about psychology to the concentration camp. Taught prisoners about the psych within a concentration camp. He wanted the prisoners to keep saying freedom until they believed they would one day receive that.
  • Lale and others must evacuate the camp

    Gita tells Lale that something must be wrong because the SS is panicking. Lale is then informed that they are emptying the camp out because the Russians are very close by. Women prisoners are taken during the night and Lale is forced to say bye to Gita. Gita finally tells him her last name, Furman, as they exit the Birkenau gates. The next morning, cannons are fired and everyone remaining must now leave the camp.
  • Viktor finds out about family

    After liberation, while Frankl is in Vienna, he finds out his pregnant wife died of sickness or starvation.
  • Lale escapes camp & gets captured

    He quickly escapes from this new camp until a jeep pulls up and asks what languages he speaks. Lale mentions the many languages and the man in the truck claims he has a job for Lale.
  • Lale escapes the chalet & goes to his hometown

    Lale is then told he is now trusted and will do the job to go into town on his own. He then sees a train that is being taken to Bratislava and escapes. His plan is to find a ride from Bratislava to his hometown, Krompachy. After four days, he makes it to his old house where he finds out his sister is alive and well. He talks to her and their neighbor about Gita and how he must find her. His neighbor claims that transports are coming into Bratislava so Lale finds a ride back.
  • Viktor faces typhus outbreak

    Frankl treated typhus patients and watched people die in front of him and showed/felt no emotion.
    Typhus outbreak infected almost all the prisoners → meeting was held of all professionals, including Frankl.
  • Viktor gets liberated

    Frankl was liberated from the concentration camp.
  • Louis is liberated

    The end of war has arrived and Louis and the others were finally free.
  • Viktor publishes book

    Viktor publishes book
    Franklin published his book From Death-Camp to Existentialism and added a section on logotherapy. This book later became known as A Man’s Search for Meaning.
  • Louis heads to the Berlin Olympics

    Louis heads to the Berlin Olympics
    Louis goes to the summer 1936 Berlin Olympics in in Germany and finishes 7th in the 5000 meter race. He completed the last lap in only 56 seconds which is the record.
  • Period: to

    Lale & Gita's new life

    Lale was arrested but Lale and Gita used their wealth to get help. After Lale was realized they went to Austria, then France, and finally ended up in Sydney in July 1949. Gita started designing women’s clothing and Gita got pregnant and gave birth to their son, Gary, in 1961.
  • Viktor remarries

    Viktor remarries
    Married Elenore Schwidt who was Catholic
  • Viktor dies at 92 years old

    Died from a heart disease.
  • Lale dies at 90 years old

    Lale dies at 90 years old
  • Louis dies at 97 years old

    Louis dies at 97 years old
    Louis dies from pneumonia.