
Hong Kong History

By claush1
  • Selling of Opium

    Selling of Opium
    2,000 chests of opium are sold to china every year, emperor yongxing bans opium.
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    Selling of opium continued

    5,000-75,000 chests of opium are sold to china every year.
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    Opium wars

    britain forced china to trade with them but china refused, so britain declared war on china but they wanted peace , so in turn for peace china gave HK to britain .
  • attack of japan

    attack of japan
    japan invaded HK,Britain surrendered to japan and gave hong kong to japan in exchange for peace
  • bill of rights

    bill of rights
    china and Britain sign a bill of rights letting HK to keep its rights for 50 years.
  • HK handover

    HK handover
    in 1997 britain handed HK back to china after ruling it for 99 years
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    modern HK

    HK is now one of the most famous countries in the world due its modern building designs and companies.
  • umbrella revelution

    umbrella revelution
    The umbrella revolution was a large protest where people wanted to be be able to vote for their own government.