Australopithicus afarensis/ "Southern Ape" FOUR TO THREE MILLION YEARS AGO
Australopithicus afarensis was the earliest group of hominids to walk bipedally. They lived from four to three million years ago in Africa! These early humans were about three feet tall and their bone structure made them slouch. They had a thick ridge over their brow, a protruding jaw, and hairy body. Since their brains had such limited abilities they wrere unable to make tools. Australopithecus Afarensis didn't have weapons either so their main diet was based on raw fruits and vegetables. -
Homo habilis/ Handy Man 2-1.5 MYA
Homo habilis lived in Africa between two to one and a half million years ago. They were four to four and a half feet tall. Their brains were twice the size of A. afarensis. They looked part ape and part human. Homo habilis used rocks to chop, sharp pieces of stone to cut, and bones and sticks to dig. Their skill of tool making probably extended their lives and made group living more comfortable. -
Homo erectus/ "Upright Man" 1.8MYA-200,000 years ago
Homo erectus lived from 1.8 million years ago to about 200,000 years ago. They migrated out of Africa to Java which is an island off the southern coast of Asia. Homo erectus were five to five and a half feet tall with strong bones. Their forehead was round, they had a thick skull with brow ridges and a protruding jaw. They made more advanced tools like hand axes. They invented fire which gave them warmth and allowed them to cook food. They were skilled walkers and runners. -
Homo sapiens neanderhtalensis/ "Wise Man" 230,000-30,000 years ago
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis live in Africa, east Europe, and parts of Asia 230,000- 30,000 years ago. They were 5.5- 6 feet tall with thick bones and walked upright. They had large brains, noses, and brows. Neanderthals were skilled toolmakers and made knives, scrapers, spear points, and sharp thin blades. They were the first hominids to hunt in groups and bury their dead. -
Homo sapiens sapiens/ "Doubly Wise Man" 35,000- 12,000 B.C.E.
Homo sapiens sapiens lived in Africa and spread to Europe, Asia, and Australia. They were 5.7- 6 feet tall with high rounded skulls and large brains. They had small teeth and slender bones. They built better tools , shelter and clothing. That is why they survived till today. They recorded their lives by painting in caves and were artists. Early humans even created musical instruments!