Home Security System

  • Marie Van Brittan Brown creates the modern home security system.

    Marie Van Brittan Brown creates the modern home security system.
    Marie Van Brittan Brown felt uneasy in her neighborhood considering the police were unreliable and her husband was away many nights for work. She needed a way to feel safer in her apartment. Specifically, she wanted a way to see and hear who was at the door from any room in the house.
  • Brown and her husband file for a patent.

    Brown and her husband file for a patent.
    Brown filed the patent for her “home security system utilizing television surveillance”. Her husband’s name got second billing. It was the first patent of its kind. The Browns’ application was impressive, drawing on existing closed-circuit television technology mainly used in military surveillance. Brown’s security system brought “CCTV” use into homes.
  • Marie and Albert Brown receive a patent

    Marie and Albert Brown receive a patent
    A few years later, the Browns were awarded a patent. The New York Times reported the story on December 6.
  • Marie recieves minimum recognition

    Marie recieves minimum recognition
    She was given an award from the National Scientists Committee and an interview with The New York Times on December 6, 1969. It listed Albert Brown’s name first, followed by “his wife, Marie,” and continued, “With the patented system, a woman alone in the house could alarm the neighborhood immediately by pressing a button, and installed in a doctor’s office it might prevent holdups by drug addicts.” She planned to explore and evolve her invention more in her own household.
  • A legend Dies

    A legend Dies
    Marie Van Brittan died in the late 1990's. Brown’s invention laid the foundation for later security systems that make use of its features such as video monitoring, remote-controlled door locks, push-button alarm triggers, instant messaging to security providers and police, as well as two-way voice communication. Her invention is still used by small businesses, small offices, single-family homes, and multi-unit dwellings such as apartments and condominiums.
  • Sad yet True

    Sad yet True
    Though evidence suggests the Browns did not pursue commercial opportunities, their invention inspired many versions of home security systems we use today. Beyond the simple alarm system, camera-based security systems help with everything from personal safety to improved mail delivery. The Browns’ patent was later referenced by thirteen other inventors including some as recently as 2013.
  • Modern Day Use

    Modern Day Use
    Finally, the popularity and potential of Brown’s device also led to the more prevalent CCTV surveillance in public areas, a.k.a Big Brother(a reality TV show). According to a 2016 New Scientist report, 100 million concealed closed-circuit cameras are now in operation worldwide.