Jesus Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem
Jesus had two disciples prepare for his entering.The townspeople welcomed him in a generous manner happy and laid out their cloaks. -
Jesus before Pilate
Jesus was arrested by Judas and brought to Pilate.Pilate sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion. -
The Commissioning of The Disciples
Jesus told the disciples to go and baptize all people in the name of the father,son,and holy spirit “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. -
The Last Supper
Jesus proved his knowledge by stating that one of his followers would betray him."Amen,i say to you,one of you will betray me." -
Jesus Agony in the Garden
When Jesus prayed in the garden three times his 3 watchers fell asleep 3 times."My Father,if it is possible let this cup pas from me. -
The arrest and Trial of Jesus
When Jesus was carrying the cross,they passed Simon on the road and made him carry the cross -
Peter’s Denial of Jesus
Peter denied Jesus 3 times."Before the cock crows you will deny me 3 times." -
Jesus before Pilate
Jesus was arrested by Judas and brought to Pilate.Pilate sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixtion -
The Arrest and Trial of Jesus
Judas brought a group of high armed priests with weapons to arrest Jesus.One of the apostles with Jesus cut off the man's ear. "I have sinned" -
The Burial of Jesus
A rich man named Joseph went to the Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.He then put it in a cave that he made in the rock and covered the entrance. -
The death of Judas
And as they were gazing into the sky, as he was going, two men were present standing with them in white clothing.
They were staring into the sky as he departed. Suddenly, two men in white clothes stood near them. -
The arrest and Trial of Jesus
And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was departing, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them;
And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; -
The Resurrection of Jesus
Mary of Magdalene and the other Mary went to visit the tomb and the earth started shaking.The angel of the Lord descended upon them -
The Ascension of Jesus
Jesus started floating into heaven and a cloud made him disappear.Two men,in white garments asked why they were staring at the clouds.