1945 BCE
what happen to the survivors
displaced person camps- areas for former prisoners to stay while searching for family and a permanent place to live. -
Germany evades Poland
they attack poland -
Treaty of Versailles
They treated Germany bad for killing their People so they had to pay money -
hyper inflation
prices start rising to high and to fast price of bread -
beerhall putsch
Hitler attempt to over throw the German government but got stopped by military and police -
Hitler on trial
He talk his way out of death prenatally and he was put in prison that was realistically like a hotel room -
Period: to
weimar republic
Anne frank born
Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
He became one of third highest person in Germany -
reichstag fire
Hitler blames communsists for fire but it was really the Nazi -
Enabling act of march
Hitler gets power of decision making power. -
Period: to
It was when Hitler started a war for killing Jews and making them work till they dye -
Nuremberg Laws
Nuremberg laws defined people with 3 or 4 Jewish grandparents as Jewish and 1 or 2 as Mixed blood -
It was a time when Hitler gave order to burn down the Jewish worship places and erst all of the male Jews -
euthanasia program begins
80,000 people with disabilities will be killed
Germans whom the Nazis deemed unworthy of life because of enamel illness orc physical disability -
they put them into the ghetto -
wannsee conference
Nazi leaders approve the final solution by getting of all of them by killing them -
Period: to
is a mobile killing squad
As the army advanced into the soviet union,these groups would round up Jews from the newly occupied areas and kill them... usually by shooting. -
warsaw ghetto uprising
Resident smuggled in weapons in.
Uprising lasted for about a month.
SS troops arrested and deported resident after the uprising ended. -
Period: to
camp rebellions
After stealing weapons from guards prisoners tried to escape. most were killed but few dozen made it out and survived -
members of sonderkommando working in the crematorium fought SS guards working in the crematorium fought SS guards killing over 70, but 250 as well as 20 others were killed in response. -
Period: to
death marches
allies advancing toward death camps.
Nazis evacuate prisoners, march them into Germany to avoid capture.
brutal treatment and harsh condition -
Period: to
Nuremberg trials
The allies and the international community put a number of Germans on trial for war crimes, crimes against peaces and crime against humanity. Almost every one was found guilty who went to this trial with murder or life time in prison. -
death camp
vans with small gas chambers in the rear are used -
Zyklon B
they start use zyhlon b to kill