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Holocaust Timeline

By mio9713
  • Separated Schools

    Jewish students were expelled from all non Jewish-man schools.
  • World War II Started

    World War II Started
    World War II started on 9/1/1939. (Poland invasion)
  • Forbidden Radio

    Jews were forbidden to own radios.
  • Yellow Stars Appeared

    Yellow Stars Appeared
    Jews in Poland who were over age of 10 were required to wear yellow stars.
  • Forced Labor of German Jews

    German Jews ordered into forced labor.
  • Shooting in Odessa

    Shooting in Odessa
    35,000 Jews from Odessa were shot.
  • Mass Killing of Jews

    Mass killing of Jew using Zyklon-B started at Auschwitz Birkenau I.
  • First mass gassing began

    First mass gassing began at the camp of Belzec.
  • Arrested Gypsies

    Nazis order all Gypsies arrested and sent to extermination camps.
  • Mass Rally in New York

    Jews in America held a mass rally at Madison Square Garden to demand to help Jews in Europe.
  • D-Day

    The day of Normandy landings, in Allied effort to liberate mainland Europe from Nazi Germany.
  • World War II Ended

    World War II ended on 9/2/1945