Holocaust timeline

  • Appointment as Chancellor

    Appointment as Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler marked the first session of the German Parliment following his appointment as chancellor.
  • Nuremberg laws

    Nuremberg laws
    The Nazis created Nuremberg law says that laws institutionalized many of racial theories underpinning Nazi ideology and provided the legal framework for systematic persecution of Jews in Germany.
  • Hitler Youth/League of German girls

    Hitler Youth/League of German girls
    "...Children were both racially conscious and physically fit in order to build a new future for Germany and the Aryan people"
  • Night of broken glass

    Night of broken glass
    Nazis led to attack Jewish communities all over Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. People were assaulted/ killed. 11
  • War

    Following the conquest of Poland by Germany military begun in September 1939 that started war on all of Europe.
  • St. Louis

    St. Louis
    A passenger ship carried 937 passengers, and most of which were Jews sailed all the way from Hamburg to Cuba finding shelter, their landing certificates were revoked and had no choice but to go back to Germany.
  • Operation

    "According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Musem. " The Chelmno killing center begins operation."
  • Final Solution

    Final Solution
    At the Wannese conferance, they discuss and coordinate the implenation of the Finial Solution.
  • LIberation

    Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate concentration camp prisoners in the final stages of the war.January 27, 1945 they went through and found hundreds of sickly and exhausted prisoners.
  • Citizens to outcast

    Citizens  to outcast
    Nazis invaded and destroyed Jewish shops and businesses across Germany.