
Holocaust Timeline Assignment (1931-1945) By Shawn Howard

  • 1931-1932

    Germany faces the Great Depression
  • Germany Faces the Great Depression

    Germany Faces the Great Depression
    (1931-1932) Post-WWI Germany faced times of depression with hyper-inflated stocks and item prices were at an all time high, German banknotes becoming completely and virtually worthless, soup kitchens and bread stores were being opened to support and feed the hungry of Germany during the time, and unemployment was skyrocketing due to the lack of jobs and lower than expected pay. As shown in the picture, the German people is shown to be eating soup.
  • Germany 1933: The Rise of Hitler

    Germany 1933: The Rise of Hitler
    On January 30th, 1933, Adolf Hitler was anointed Chancellor of Germany which gave him right and responsibility over cabinet members. On March 23rd, the Enabling Act passes which gave German Cabinet members (which included Hitler) the right and the power to create and enforce laws without involvement of the Reichstag. On April 7th, laws for the Re-establishment of the Civil Services Passes which prevented Jews from attending many civil service. On May 10th, many Jewish books were burn in public.
  • Germany 1934-1935:

    Germany 1934-1935:
    This time period saw in increase of power in Hitler's reign over Germany. On August 2nd, 1934, German President von Hindenburg passes away. With the support of the German armed forces, Hitler becomes President of Germany. On August 19th, Hitler declares himself Führer, or Supreme Leader over Germany. On December 10th, the Inspectorate of Concentration Camps was created. On March 17, Nazi Germany resumes compulsory male military service. On September 15, Nazi Germany enacts the Nuremburg Laws.
  • Nazi Germany, 1936-1937: Propaganda and Concentration Camps

    Nazi Germany, 1936-1937: Propaganda and Concentration Camps
    On March 3rd 1936, Jewish doctors were barred from practicing medicine in German institutions. On July 12th, The Sachsenhausen concentration camp opens. On August 1st to the 16th, the Olympics were held in Berlin, Germany. It was a show full of Nazi filled ideas and and propaganda while significant conflict was stirring amongst the diverse crowd. On July 15, 1937 Buchenwald concentration camp opens.
  • Nazi Germany, 1938: Protest and Mass-Antisemitism

    Nazi Germany, 1938: Protest and Mass-Antisemitism
    On March 11th-13, 1938, Germany annexes Austria, now associating it with the German Reich. On April 26th, it became mandatory that all rights and ownership of Jewish property became in the hands of the Aryans. On July 6tth-15th, many Jewish-Germans began to flee Nazi Germany, but no countries except anymore refugees. On August 17th, the Jewish Name Law was passed. On November 9th-10th, Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, containing destruction of Synagogues and Jewish property.
  • Nazi Germany, 1939: Hitler's Threat to the World

    Nazi Germany, 1939: Hitler's Threat to the World
    On January 30th, 1939, Adolf Hitler announces publicly to the world that the outbreak of war would end European Jewry. On March 15th, Germany occupies Czechoslovakia. On August 23rd, the German-Soviet pact was signed which allowed Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to own and control parts of Eastern Europe and to pledge not to attack each other. On November 23rd, Jews inside German-occupied Poland were forced to wear an arm band or yellow star to separate them.
  • Nazi Germany, 1940: Infamous Auschwitz

    Nazi Germany, 1940: Infamous Auschwitz
    During February, 1940, the Lodz Ghetto was established. In April and May, Germany invaded Scandinavia and Western European countries which included France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. On May 20th, Concentration Camp was established in Auschwitz. On June 14th, the first mass transport arrives in Auschwitz I consisting of around 700-750 Polish Prisoners.
  • Nazi Germany 1941-1942:

    Nazi Germany 1941-1942:
    In January, 1941, Pograms took place in Romania. On October 15th, mass murder would take place against Jews by Nazis in Poland. On March 1st, 1942, the Auschwitz-Birkenau killing center was established. On July 23rd many mass murder operations started to take place at Treblinka II killing center. In October, more mass murder operations began at the Majdanek killing center. On December 17th, the Allied Nations declared that German authorities were engaging in mass murder of European Jews.
  • Nazi Germany, 1943-1944: Nazi Germany's Turning Point

    Nazi Germany, 1943-1944: Nazi Germany's Turning Point
    On February 2nd, 1943, Germany faced defeat at Stalingrad, this ended up being the turning point for Germany during WWII. On April 19th, Warsaw uprising began and plans to rescue the Jews of Europe was rejected. From March 19th to May 15th, 1944, Germany occupied Hungary and began deporting the Hungarian Jews to Germany. On October 7, prisoners began to revolt begins at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camps. On November 25th, Auschwitz gas chambers were destroyed to destroy evidence of mass killings.
  • Nazi Germany 1945: The Final Year of Nazi Germany and Hitler

    Nazi Germany 1945: The Final Year of Nazi Germany and Hitler
    In January, 1945, Lodz Ghetto is liberated, and on the 17th, the Death March begins starting from Auschwitz. On January 27th, the Soviet Army liberates Auschwitz. On April 15th, the Liberation of Bergen Belsen by the British Army. On April 30th, Hitler takes his own life by suicide. On May 7th, Germany ends up surrendering. On December 22nd President Truman gave preference to Holocaust survivors for U.S. immigrant visas, but it still remained difficult and confusing.