Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler Gets Appointed as Chancellor

    Hitler Gets Appointed as Chancellor
    Hindenburg appoints Hitler as Chancellor of Germany. Initially, but Hitler's growing popularity eventually allowed him to win the election. Hitler being appointed kicked off the rise of Nazi Germany.
  • Germany Annexes Austria

    Germany Annexes Austria
    From March 11th-13th Germany invaded and annexed Austria in an event known as Anschluss. They were added to the German Third Reich.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    The invasion of Poland was Hitler's first step to dominating the rest of Europe. They started off bombing Poland relentlessly, tearing down their defenses. After that they invaded on land
  • The First Jewish Ghetto

    The First Jewish Ghetto
    After they invaded Poland they set up the first ghetto there. Warsaw contained about 400,000 people there.
  • Danes help Jews Escape to Sweden

    Danes help Jews Escape to Sweden
    The Nazis were planning to make an attack on the Danish Jewish people. Denmark got warned of this before hand and helped about 7000+ Jews.
  • 6million Dead

    6million Dead
    After the war, Aproxima. 6 million Jews died. Europes Jewish population decreased significantly as 2 of every 3 Jews were dead.
  • Auschwitz Prisoners are Liberated

    Auschwitz Prisoners are Liberated
    The Red Army liberates Auschwitz. About 60,000 prisoners were forced to death march westward.
  • Rehabilitation

    Survivors of the camp were to weak to digest food and died later on. Doctors had to feed them liquid foods for a very long time until they were able to digest slightly solid foods.