Holocaust Timeline

  • Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor

    Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor
    After addressing the first session of the German Parliament in March of 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed as chancellor by Hindenburg.
  • The Enabling Act is passed

    The Enabling Act is passed
    The Enabling Act was passed in order to give Hitler emergency powers.
  • Nazis orders citizens to boycott Jewish stores

    Nazis orders citizens to boycott Jewish stores
    The Nazis ordered German citizens to boycott all Jewish shops and businesses. They used posters in order to notify others of the boycott, but many ignored the boycott and continued to buy products from Jewish shops.
  • Jews search for refuge

    Jews search for refuge
    Jewish people in Vienna went down to police stations in order to collect exit visas. Many attempted to leave the country.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    After a young Jewish boy shot a German diplomat, Hitler began to burn synagogues and spread anti-Jewish violence all throughout Germany. After 48 hours, Hitler managed to kill 96 Jews and arrest around 30,000 of them to send to concentration camps.
  • Sailing from Cuba to Germany on the St. Louis

    Sailing from Cuba to Germany on the St. Louis
    Many Jews couldn't settle in the United states during the 1930s due to government policies. The St. Louis was a ship departing from Hamburg, which carried many Jewish passengers that had snuck onto the ship in order to seek refuge.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    Nazis took many Jews, boarded them on trains, and sent them to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Here they killed them in gas chambers and collected all their personal items for use or so they could sell them.
  • Liberation

    After many prisoners were forced to march to nearby concentration camps, the suffering and the war was put to an end by American authority.